Lance can see them, can sense the lions as they slumber. He blurted, blushing at the blunt nature of his words. And what color am I to you?". Well find her.. season 7 episode 4: Lance's thoughts after the game show. Galra are fluffy fluffs I love your stories!! Not even Keith himself knew about his blood heritage and suddenly transforming into one of the enemies doesn't help at all. If you have any requests comment them and I'll write any that spark me. Allura is beautiful. No! He can't fly Red again. He would be surprised if it wasn't for all Lance's stories about his teammates coming to the front of Keith's mind. All KL pre-read and chosen by me~! "I'm - I need to go. "Keith!" it's me or them, it's me or them, gotta keep Lance safe, gotta escape, it's me or them. And this stick in the mud here is Keith, my Lance hesitated, glancing at Keith, who quirked an eyebrow at him. 147 guests All Keith can think is Lance, who looks visibly. He bit his lip and clenched his fists together, squeezing his eyes shut. This is a story about one of Pidge's works not quite going as planned and ending up providing the team with a newmore smaller paladin! Well, it hurts! But, Keith was given the blessings of ignorance to help save him from memories soaked in hatred. Keith raised an eyebrow. The heady rush of adrenaline was making all of his senses heightened, and all he could feel was how hot and tight the space was, how little room he had to move. Luckily, his family is right there with him. Angry tears still streaked down his face, be he felt and looked resigned now. We met at the garrison and he told these guys bullying me to go fuck themselves. "Lance, we've had enough of this attitude! One, hes hot.Two, hes on the dance floor alone. If he had not pursued with the trials and unlock the power of the blade I would never have agreed to meet Keith knew he was half galra. Simply calling Keith his friend after everything theyd been through together didnt feel like enough. He hears the team protest, feels Lance try to hold him in place before he's shaken off. In which Lance finally snaps and stands up for himself. He backed into the wall, putting as much distance between it and him. Now, living in close quarters with only a handful of other people, his collection doesnt go unnoticed for long, Also known as 6 times Keith stole something, and 1 time he was given something.. So what's a guy to do? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Four Times Keith and Lance Were Quite Obviously in A Relationship and No One Noticed and the One Time They Were Finally Obvious About It and Everyone Is Surprised for Some Reason. Lance showed no sign of hearing him. It shocks him, panic floods his body and his fight or flight is going into overdrive. Whatre you gonna do, torture him?. He literally growls. "What's up peeps.did I miss anything?" I asked, faking a small smiling. Lance is angry that the team wont listen to him about how they shouldnt trust Lotor. But even though he knew he was still unable to stop the unexplained fear that clenched his heart the first time he saw it. Lance he heard Shiro hesitant voice call. 27. cool grizzled older brother Kolivan only looked with a raised brow. She's kind of ethereal, which makes sense when you know she's a Princess. Part human or not, hes a monster.. When he relaxed, the dark haired boy next to him comfortingly pressed something into his hand. No!. This is gonna be my first ever story fanfic or other wise and there's probably gonna be lotta whump and a good amount of fluff Pidge/Katie and Shiro have been captured by the Galra, who want information about the human race. The planet is full of traps ' ? The next chapter should get betterI think. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Disclaimer: My writing skills aren't exactly good so don't expect anything out of this. Keith has been acting quite strange for awhile and the paladins are worried, especially Lance. Youre not fucking taller than me! Keith couldnt mistake that jacket for anyone elses. He brought up the schematics of the base and pointed along the foundation This area is susceptible to fire, if I send out an electrical pulse along the base, it should collapse the barrier without any alerts to the Galra, she carefully nodded it response watching the tiny barrier breaking down on her screen. Perhaps another word to your fellow pot?" Here, you will find your: 18. secrets (of the embarrassing kind) Lance scowls, eyebrows furrowed over angry brown eyes. He has a feeling the Paladins would be upset if he borrowed their lion to run away. Oh. After receiving Lance's message from Sam Holt, they decide to find him. Between 40 and 650 words.If I think something needs context, I'll write it in the notes. "She would only respond for the Red paladin. , Keith raises an eyebrow. Finally Lance snaps. A little hard candy rolled around in his mouth as Lance ran his tongue across his teeth. Also might change the title later who knowsSecond disclaimer: I had a drastic skill jump from chapter one to the rest of the chapters, so just try to read through the first one, the others are so much better I promise. Keith frowned. The Empire is planning something though whether they'll admit it or not. Work Search: Allura reminisces on times spent with someone she had considered one of her best friends for so long, sad that he is gone. Keith talks to Shiro about this "annoying" guy in his flight class who he totally doesn't have a crush on. The paladin gives a dark look over his shoulder, smirking at the scarlet burn crawling onto Shiro's face. Keith knew this, he really did. I wasnt at the Garrison as a charity case or anything, and everyone here ignored that. He's like a ninja sometimes, the dude is awesome! She's also just super duper smart in general. I'm preparing for my finals as well as preparing for college to start soon, and I may not have as much time to write or as much time to brainstorm. Please when reading these, be warned that these consist of depression and suicidal thoughts, and other things like eating disorders and so on. #lanceisnotafarmer, Please do not repost on Wattpad, I will post this on my own Wattpad and you are welcome to read from there :), Author is projecting on fictional characters once again. No special achievements, no special talents. But he just needs a fucking, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro. She looks human, but is far from it; created by humans with the help of the Galra to be a weapon of mass destruction. What would have happened if we went down here and there were drones or weapons in the vents, we could have died in there, he pulled the map back and brought up a different hallway. Its a maintenance hallway, the other direction from where this one is, it is fully surveillanced with no blind spots and no places for anything to be hidden, he said pushing the screen into Shiros who looked at it sheepishly. Lance gave him a short glare. But he's a grown adult now, and he's feeling the urge to spread his wings, form sword, grow up, and all that jazz. Maybe it was for school, maybe it was because you were bored. Keith finds him and tries to help. "I'm not a color, Lance." Like, maybe we just didnt realise? What happened to Keith? - and he was with Pidge's brother and father, too. He desperately reached out, struggling frantically as he saw Keith thrash uselessly against the barrage. "Didn't really say anything. Work Search: Unbeknownst to him; Kolivan was watching over his shoulder with interest and nodding along to each dot. It was broken by Kolivan making his way to the entrance to follow Lance to wherever he decided to hole up. ", Lance frowns and squeezes his hand, which, for some reason, he's still holding. Oh for fucks sake, do you really have to take everything I want from me? Lance had said to Keith when he had found him sitting on the roof.On that day, by everything I want Lance had meant the spot as a fighter pilot, Takashi Shiroganes affection, Iversons respect and a good peaceful chill time at the secret place on the roof Lance had called his own.Months after that encounter (plus one failed Kerberos mission), Lance would once more be able to say Keith took everything he wanted from him. Please let me finish, he pleaded. Pressing their foreheads together, Keith exhaled softly; I think youre doing just fine, Lance. 3. And then, of course, Lance had said so much about Hunk. Reflector Series Thank you for agreeing to meet with us Princess Allura, Kolivan bowed to her. Move in with his former rival slash current best friend's spare bedroom, of course! Who will he remember? Who would want to move on? Bottom Lance (Voltron) Overstimulation. Even the nightmares that frequent his mind, he finds the meaning of and tries to decipher how it plays into his life.But recently he's been dreaming of someone with these gorgeous purple eyes. She can hack anything - and I mean ANYTHING. Go on, Kettle! He loves finding out the meanings of his dreams and connecting them to his everyday life. Please, Blue, I did not have the energy to hold back my tears anymore. I will hopefully be there for you) UT MAY BE REWRITTEN} A boy named lance McLain was born into a family of galra . That was until Shiro found him shaking and in tears after a fear simulator. Hoarsely, unexpectedly, he spoke. You know what?! He was being stupid, and *spoilers* . 12. colds and kisses His cheeks are red, and hes looking anywhere but at Keith. Untouchable, unreachable - the tail of a comet, leaving behind just specks and dust of beauty, something you can never catch and hold in your hands. 148 Stories. He slapped it away and started making his way to the door to leave. Hes never felt as lonely and worthless as he's felt in space. He knows they'll find him eventually. When the princess bans Keith from the castle, Lotor takes advantage of the situation to tear the paladins of voltron apart. An exploration into an alternate reality where Keith's fate never leads him down the path to becoming a paladin. He knows his team and he loves his second family. so so much; it is dumb and flirty and stupid bc i am my own target audience . Lance, who he promised to keep safe. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But most importantly, he was bound to break any minute. "Oh really? He hissed. Lance can see visions of Voltron in his sleep. Right! And then, of course, Lance had said so much about Hunk. This book will deal Everyone thought he was afraid of nothing. He tries to find his exits. Good, okay. 7. let's go for a ride He even makes food goo seem tolerable most of the time and that's saying something! Keith walks, then runs, then sprints out the doors. She still would not let me in, wouldnt even acknowledge me crying before her. Call me for the mission, I need to cool down for a bit, he said quietly. So, he made a plan to fix it. Lance looked around at the ashamed paladin avoiding his gaze around him. as well as Lance choked, and coughed wetly, then spoke in a shaky voice. In their captivity, Lance had been very touchy. Lance's hand slots into his and Keith doesn't do anything to argue against being pulled towards the group. He turned to the leader with crossed arms. He's scaring Lance. We met at the garrison and he told these guys bullying me to go fuck themselves. Yep, life is pretty good! Can the Voltron force convince both sides of their friend he is not a mons Keith begins experiencing changes after getting lost on Voltron's last mission. ! Five times Lance thought Keith was Galra and the one time Keith told him he was. Thank you, Lance., Anything for you, Keith. BOM despise all pirates, especially Captain Keith, commander of the vessel Marmora. Please consider turning it on! And by god, Lance was going to make it count. The rope slips in his grasp. Well this book has all of them! Maybe she's fallen asleep on the couch watching an old sci-fi movie, like they used to do together when he was a kid. It was so endearing that both of their families had such colorful histories. He hasnt talked to anyone in five months, not even his mam. She invited us both for dinner again. Well, he thinks we dont care about him. what happens when they go to rescue him but he's changed? Lance and Keith have been fighting more than ever before, and it takes a toll on the whole team. The universe seems to be at peace, and all is well for the paladins as they work with the Garrison or with the Blades. She'd really get a kick out of his job, now. He's working in the Garrison with his closest friends, helping out on the family farm, and eating home-cooked meals and not space goo. technically theres some mild psychological torture and lance shoots a guy. And even when they all switched lions when Shiro went missing, Blue blocked him out and bonded with Allura the moment Lance left to find Red. Keith is my favorite character and I wanted some angsty stuff about him. Lance doesnt acknowledge him. 4. No smut/lemons here, move along (Nothing w A Keith x reader story Laughing, Keith leans close, arms crossed over his chest. 14. knight and nurse The dark haired boy accepted the offer with a ghost of a smile, his slim, pale fingers plucking a red one out of the pack and popping it into his own mouth. They share another moment together, one that means something more than a bonding moment. Hey! The names Lance, but you can call me Starshooter, Lance said with a wink. "I'm sorry." He looks for dark hair and dark eyes, crossed arms and a silent frown, stark against the sea of enthusiastic, starry-eyed cadets. Keith and Lance have fallen into a routine, though. I think when I get back, maybe we can bond over it, ya know? Did he changed? He's the nicest guy I know. The Games Keith (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron) Hunk (Voltron) Allura (Voltron) Coran (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor; Language: English Stats: Published: 2016-08-28 . He knows they'll find him eventually. "Whatever." Keith crossed his arms with a huff, but Allura couldn't help but notice his cheeks were still tinged pink. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. flirty fighting pt 1 He blurts out, eyes never leaving Lance's. 52. He's like a ninja sometimes, the dude is awesome! Enjoy! Please consider turning it on! I'm preparing for my finals as well as preparing for college to start soon, and I may not have as much time to write or as much time to brainstorm. Being human is difficult, but being galra is even harder nowadays. Missing his siblings, missing home. Keith & Lance (Voltron) Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro; Characters: Lance (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron) . 17. blue .". "No," Princess Allura shakes her head and looks at Keith with disapproval. 26. batteries Keith. Will he tell someone or will fate force his hand? He'll - "Keith." 23. keithy-kat "The lions only activate for their paladins. The only thing hes afraid of is dying, and we cant kill him., Oh, dont worry. Twist and turns decorating the path. Unless stated otherwise obviously . His plans probably involve a lot of shooting and not getting anything done,. You know whats cuter? I didnt have any surgery, you goober., You did! You want a lifesaver? Pathetic. "The boy, Keith, was it? Keith decides its time to have a serious discussion with Lance about what happened to him. He's also just, a super chill guy in general, you know? Maybe hiding in Keiths closet wasnt such a good idea. He may be feeling blue, (hah), but Keith is glad his love will always be there to help him get through it. Keith is never going to let this go. Shocked and panicking, he reeled back, tumbling out of his chair only for strings of luminescent blue to follow him. Maybe its not fair for Lance to be angry at Keith for something hes not even done, yet. 24. adhd poster boy He was apart of the team that went missing from the garrison - I told you about them, right? Almost immediately Lance went to the Earth store with Keith following him. Keith's funeral is held. It is a rollercoaster of events unfolding as you move along the tracks. Hunk and Lance are being released from a group hug and Lance is immediately jogging to meet him. Are you an alien because your body is out of this world? Lance recites his most used pickup line as he snaps a set of finger guns in Keiths direction. Of course, no one paid attention to him. In short; While hiding in Keith's closet, Lance accidentally overhears Keith and Shiro talking about him while they have sex. 1. He humphed when he only received sheepish nods. --- In which Lance goes to space and winds up with a grumpy Galra, a talking raccoon, a second family, and a universe to save. Chapter 13 Its my fault, its always my fault. "Oh, hey, Shiro." "Hey. Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings. ", Since he was born, Keith has had a bad habit of ending up with other peoples property. What's wrong? Another day at the office does not turn out the way Lance expects. And Keith knows they're eager to meet him, for different reasons, no doubt. He watches Hunk rush for the exit, pulling Lance with him, eager to have his whole team reunited. "No, Hunk, don't -" but Lance's warning is too late and Hunk's laid his hand on Keith's shoulder firmly. Keith and Lance's five-year-old daughter has a nightmare, and they reassure her that there isn't anything to be afraid of. Leaves Lance again. Kolivan. Because of course wed care if he died. it's me or them, it's me or them, gotta keep Lance safe, gotta escape, it's me or them. Maybe you just needed to pour your thoughts out. Bright. He's been scared for so long now that he's not sure how to be anything else. He doesn't really care. So he decided to quietly help them in the background instead. And in the midst of all the chaos, Lance has to face reality. "You okay? Lance swallowed. Discover short videos related to voltron fanfiction lance snaps on TikTok. "I'm - I need to go. It's okay now. He turned to Shiro and pushed a finger into his chest. I covered my mouth even though I knew there was no one there to hear me. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sort by: Hot . 21. you are my comfort Good, okay. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Pinky Promise X Readers +260-966-873-334 33 Omelo Mumba Road, Rhodespark, Lusaka, Zambia Note: This work is on temporary hiatus. He was delicate but beautiful. His eyes snap open as he feels the weight that accompanies falling. Maybe if Krolia hadn't left when she did, Keith's life would have been different. What would have happened if Lance had challenged the clone? 1. Once the thunderous sound of blood in his ears quietened to a dull throb, Lance took note of how loud his breathing was in the small space. At least he could say Keith was his boyfriend. Please consider turning it on! Keith sighed. "It's not like he'll be able to go that long without flirting with Allura anyway. Hunk comforts, moving to touch his shoulder. Perhaps next time, you should get to know your soldiers before you judge what they are capable of,. Lance, Hunk tried but Lance only raised his hand between the two of them. He didn't realise that he'd bump into him in a fast food place and that would change his life. ""I'm fine." Well alone until pretty mullet boy comes by. Later on, when Lance tries to talk to him again, he realizes w Something's wrong with Keith, like he's cursed or something, he's steadily getting worse, can the others save him??? This is the story of the Paladins, told from their point of view. Some people can usually handle a tiny voice in their head saying the occasional depressing thing, but constantly? 16. lanceandkeith, together "You want me to come with? You shouldnt be so insulting, he said standing beside his chair. The tears don't snap him out of it. 2. Its not like Im hiding, as this is just about the most public place I could hang out, but no one ever comes. Read Lance X Reader from the story Voltron One Shots by FallenKen (GalraKen) with 32,879 reads. Keith had spent the whole day with his eyes watering, his nose runny, and the worst of . ", ~I long to hear your voice, but still, I make the choice to bury my love, in the moondust~. 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