My two cents: Everyone is different. i was going for 7 years and my acne never improved. Upon returning to the bathroom, I immediately looked into the mirror. another interesting thing which i can say is true from experience is that shampoo messes up your hair/scalp. I did as requested. What is your routine then? after months of just cutting it all out my face is still oily, but not as bad as it was before. Almost every brand slips up somewhere. It litterally stops your sebum glands from producing oil. Because I was thinking about getting different opinions, because obviously one dermatologist in one city in one country telling me something is true, doesn't actually make it true. My cleansing and moisturizing don't need to change. Plus it's a oil based. As for my skin, I was told that it looked better. If you're using a noncomedogenic moisturizer, then your moisturizer shouldn't break you out. Hope this is helpful. Ive been using these for 3 years now (including the period while I was on isotret). Second, when you do use your moisturizer make sure to use the smallest amount possible. That would be my approach. The best moisturizer is cetaphil, if you can get it where you live, it's amazing, and every derm I've met recommends it. . Tretinoin is Schedule H drug in India and must be used with doctor's prescription only. I would look for another one. One thing I've noticed though, is that all these brands tend to claim that they sell "non-comedogenic" moisturisers and it makes me wonder which ones actually are.. and if there is actually such thing as a moisturiser that doesn't block my pores. Of course, it feels lovely to apply and it seems to,. A non-comedogenic moisturizer (that your dermatologist's office should carry btw) should not break you out unless you're allergic to an ingredient. On 1/8/2016, 310, Shriekin Contender said: 1996-2023 The American Acne Association. venusia or bioderma baume, works v well for my sensitive dry af skin. Thats not about moisturizing, Skotnicki says. I don't have a degree in dermatology. Try using a more gentle cleanser if your cleanser is to harsh, use luke warm water instead of hot, limit the amount of time you wash your skin, use a humidifier if the air is really dry in your house, use the smallest amount of active ingredient acne fighting product you can get away with (a pea sized amount is often enough for your whole face). Some days I use rose oil in its place but on others (generally warmer days) I can get away with only a wash and my HA serum followed by SPF and it totally leaves my face soft and dewy. And my skin tends to run drier, so I imagine for oilier skin types there are merits to a simpler routine like this. And what I have learned is that everyone's skin is different and reacts differently to treatment. Your skin will likely feel dry at first, but this doesnt last long. Take warm, not hot, baths and showers. I use sunscreen the most when theres acne on my face but he told me to wipe that idea clean and only use on clear skin which made me think: whats the point of my acne-centric SPF when theres nothing on my face to protect (I know SPF is more than that, but for me, its about acne now), Did you ask why he is against sunscreen? Hi, thanks for posting! Tretinoin is a Category C drug and IS CONSIDERED UNSAFE DURING PREGNANCY. Content titles and body; Content titles only I was also breaking out a LOT on my upper back. I just wanna know what would be better and when would I need to stop using it. Press J to jump to the feed. It promises to not only smoothe, but also protect the skin's surface, encouraging it to improve dryness and pores. It helps decrease facial redness as well as . He said dryness is a symptom of my medication gel and that it is a good sign, because it is drying up my pores and means my skin is not oily. I said you were right, but told you why I don't apply sun screen. Now I cant ever go out again. Skotnicki, who recently authored the book Beyond Soap, believes that people have a tendency to over-wash, which inherently dries out skin. During this time some providers don't necessarily recommend moisturizer. Why not just try a noncomedogenic moisturizer and see if it helps. I get pimples if I use moisturiser more than 2 days in. Because it is so easy to formulate and sell, the brainwashing started in the late '50s and '60s from all the cosmetic companies. Share your questions, frustrations and triumphs! I would also especially avoid over washing the most sensitive areas of your face which are usually around your eyes, nose and mouth. Have you studied dermatology or is all this just information you found on the internet and lifestyle things you've picked up on? My friend with acne issue always consult me for her skincare problems but i asked her to consult a doctor, and the doctor suggest her not to use any sunscreens and moisturisers, giver her face wash to wash . This particular cream is a topical chemotherapy applied to the skin in areas where sun damage has occurred. The problem is, especially now in winter, my face, after a shower or just simply washing my face gets very tight and dry. Oiliness. If you're already a fan of The Ordinary, you'll know that this isn't the brand's first Natural . Its better now, but i havent completely gotten rid of it and my skin is now super sensitive to wind, heat etc. They tend to argue that the focus should be on mimicking natural moisturising factors (NMFs), which the body produces by itself and that a lot of moisturisers don't do this, and make skin worse. READ MORE: A Hong Kong woman killed her parents, herself because of eczema. The tree gets its nutrients from the ground,he offers by way of analogy. My skin is very reactive and this moisturizer calms my skin without causing breakouts. Less is more! Obviously I don't know your individual skin and I also don't know how closely your derm looked at yours (so the rec might be absolutely right for you) or if they were stating it more as a general thing for every acne patient (which I don't agree with). My feeling is there is abuse of moisturizer, he says. When you're using a harsh chemical (whether a topical or oral drug) to deliberately dry out your skin as part of the treatment, it's important to keep your skin as in balance as possible while the treatment does its work. Side Effects may include but not be limited to Dry skin, Peeling, Skin redness, Burning, Itching, Stinging sensation. Bumps. My dermatologist prescribed me a Clindamycin and Benzol Peroxide Mix (1% * 5%) for my hormonal acne. Typically they happen when dead skin cells decide to hang together and get trapped under your skin's surface. $180 at By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Very curious because I did this during my nose surgery a few weeks ago, I solely using a wash cloth and washing every few days and was spotless. $22.50. Is the condition linked to mental health? Im probably a lot older than you - 46 - and have never dealt with acne but I ditched moisturizer from my routine almost a year ago and my skin loves it. I didn't want to leave my room. A select few need something stronger, like a retinoid, antibiotics or even Accutane, to manage their acne. Otherwise it's seemingly impossible for me to spread it all across my face. I currently use the rimmel london 25h lasting foundation, its the only foundation i have. I can only imagine how dry you were on accutane. You should absolutely use a moisturizer and sunscreen after IPL treatments. She takes the time to examine you skin type and suggests the best facial, and the facial itself leaves your skin feeling soft and nourished. I didnt use a moisturiser while i was using an acne facewash for 5 months, and i ended up with some sort of eczema & weird dry patches. She kept referring my Deriva gel as cream. "You'll notice your skin feeling dry, tight, and ashy, because you're rapidly losing water," says Gohara. My dermatologist told me to use this on 5 areas on my face to get rid of sun damaged areas. For example, if an IPL is combined with a resurfacing laser treatment a thicker petroleum is often recommended for a couple of days before converting over to moisturizer. Accutane, antibiotics, retinoids everything. Hows this for a skincare curve ball: there are dermatologists out there who believe that we dont need to use moisturizer. "Moisturizer doesn't just add water back into your skin, it also traps in the water. Some people might do a lot better without moisturiser or only a very light fluid. Ive done many things to my skin in the name of my job as a beauty writer microneedling my entire face, zapping it with lasers, and even facial cupping but the idea of shedding myself of my moisturizer for good as winters frigid breath breathes down my neck is especially daunting. Dr. Zein Obagi, a Beverly Hills-based dermatologist and founder of ZO Skin Health, says that using moisturizer could actually be detrimental to skin. As a 53 yo woman whose had several dermatologists (current derm in her early 30s) in my life; please find a new dermatologist. Just basing on whatyou have posted, you seem to have the best skin suited for IPL treatments.Based on what you mentioned, I can only conclude that you possibly experienceda type of pigmentation called hypopigmentation. Epiduo is a topical acne treatment containing 0.1% adapalene and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. definitely not the place to go for acne. Shop. Always love learning something new! I mentioned in a few comments that I have tried switching up a lot of things these past few years without success except for moisturiser so maybe this could be indeed the right way to go. The Ordinary. wish i had your dermatologist, My derm told me to never mousturize unless my skin was painfully dry and tight. every time i would get a cleaning i would walk out bleeding and have scarring. His recommended routine? But I have learned to be an expert on my own skin. Every single one of them told me to moisturizer right out of the shower. However, this product, which is a prescription, is not for use long term, and the brand offered requires you to use their products such as a moisturizer, which can get very expensive. It wakes up the skin and gets the cells to start working in harmony., While Dr. Obagi has long been marked as a forward-thinker in the dermatology world, I figured I might as well get a second opinion, considering how, you know, Ive spent my entire career going to events for moisturizers touted by derms, scientists, and facialists. Waldorf recommended adding a retinoid and finding a new sunscreen. Just my 2 cents, but I honestly think every skin - even every acne/acne prone skin - works a little differently in that regard. In case you didn't know, skincare is a HUGE deal in Asian cultures, and I am not mad about it.,, Some patients react to almost any stimulus with a blush or red response. They tend to argue that the focus should be on mimicking natural moisturising factors (NMFs), which the body produces by itself and that a lot of moisturisers dont do this, and make skin worse. Dr. Grant Stevens. Lactating/ breastfeeding women will have to consult their doctors. If you do an internet search basically every dermatologist (real ones with "scientific study he has spent years on")unanimously agrees that you have to apply sunscreen when using Retin-Ano matter what.I live in fog and clouds and put on sunscreen even if I don't leave my house. Despite me expressing that I have dry and sensitive skin, he told me not to use moisturizer because they are occlusive and cause my acne to be worse I use: Aveeno Triple Oat Serum First Aid Skincare Ultra Repair Cream Plus, every Dermatologist I have ever watched videos from puts moisturizer as a basic that should be in a skin care routine. HELPFUL TIPS: USE AT NIGHTTIME. "In Hollywood, people are suffocated by plastic surgery, but striving for an impassive perfection isn't something I ever . And I always ask if they feel itchy. Stock up on that too. I use very simple things on my skin.I haven't got time.I would always get facials and then come home laden with product, and pay a lot of money and never use it.Anyway, one day a dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil to clean my face and as a moisturizer, and that's what I day a dermatologist told me to use Get a completely mineral one, no chemicals, so it won't clog your pores or irritate your insanely delicate skin. I've been on everything you can think of. She said it is a common misconception that everyone always needs a moisturizer, it's needed when your skin becomes or feels dry or dehydrated. Surprisingly, The Ordinary's Natural Moisturizing Factors + PhytoCeramides delivers very similar results. then basically when its time to reapply and you dont the Sun can get you far worse than if you hadnt applied spf the first time that day. ended up with the worst skin situation I ever had) I followed similar protocol prescribed by dermatologist for some months. Good Luck. Plus, it can add some moisturization, too., READ MORE: Itchy and scratchy: Two new treatments may offer hope for eczema sufferers. Dry face + Less acne (but still acne) vs Smooth, elastic face + more acne - I dunno what's worse haha.. I was just in shock because I cant imagine not being on SPF with Accutane. The main thing is, you should moisturise. Keep skin soft with a daily moisturizer. In general, retinoids, due to the sloughing off of your dead skin cells, have anti-acne and anti-aging benefits. This is an antibiotic gel for me to use once every night. Some doctors have specific protocols after laser treatments. My back up sunscreens are LOral sun protect and grum. It would be really silly to listen to that instead of listening to an an expert who has evaluated your skin and customized advice for you. $65 at SkinBetter. He gets paid a hell of a lot of money to consult people and professionally advise them on their skin, and he has a degree to back it up - surely if he was wrong, then he wouldn't be in this position and all the scientific study he has spent years on would be incorrect, no? CeraVe's hydrating facial cleanser is non-foaming and doesn't use any harsh or stripping surfactants in order to remove impurities. It certainly does not clog pores. Id never considered that idea until I started working for a doctor who carried the ZO skincare line. There were also facials and other at the office treatments during this period. IPL Laser Side Effects - When do They Go Away? i am on isoteret 16mg and when i had just started out during the first few months, my skin was so dry i had to keep re applying my moisturizer. Ive recently posted a similar question in the skincare sub more focused on the skin prep before makeup, so i wanted to come here and ask for advice on tips for some coverage on dehydrated skin without making me look even worse/accentuating fine lines. Brave & controversial take: your derm could be right. As you break the addiction, you may feel dry and irritable, he admits. Letting your skin get overly dry is not only uncomfortable (and one of the leading reasons why people give up on an acne treatment that is otherwise helping) but can cause irritation breakouts, which can make things worse. My dermatologist prescribed me a Clindamycin and Benzol Peroxide Mix (1% * 5%) for my hormonal acne. I think it's important to note that external products aren't usually the cause of persistent acne, so IMO moisturizer isn't as much of an issue as people seem to think. Related Topics Dermatology Health science Applied science Natural science . Despite me expressing that I have dry and sensitive skin, he told me not to use moisturizer because they are occlusive and cause my acne to be worse, (Every now and then I also use La Roche Posay Cicablast Balm B5), He told me not to use any moisturizer, use Cerave foaming cleanser, and to not let your skin get too dry. Photo: Laura Doss/Corbis. Men come into my office all the time and show me their dry legs and ask me if they should moisturize, Slotnicki said. Isotretinoin WILL dry you and so I remember using moisturiser generously, or at least the normal amount during this period. I . He prescribed 0.025% Tretinoin and basically outlined a super simple routine for me, which seemed pretty standard and legit. apparently moisturizers make your skin soft and fresh but that will make your skin dependent on it instead of producing its own oilso it doesn't function as normally.i can see you needing moisturizer when you are older and your skin has stopped producing oil on its own, but when you are young maybe it's not as needed. And my skin is now super sensitive to wind, heat etc was on isotret.. Just try a noncomedogenic moisturizer, he admits, when you do use your moisturizer make sure use! Applied science Natural science using it when would i need to change sensitive areas of your face which are around. Dermatologist for some months out there who believe that we dont need to use once every.. Be better and when would i need to stop using it this particular cream a. And Benzol Peroxide Mix ( 1 % * 5 % ) for my hormonal acne years... 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