Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7| Part 8| Part 9| Part 10. Thank you Lucas. She didnt mind, she was just extremely happy as a single tears of joy fell from her eyes. Can you tell us your name? You ask softly. Nice to meet you too. She took her hand back and rubbed it along her thigh subtly. ", Loki leaned further, brushing his nose against hers, the corner of his lips quirking when her breath hitched. There were side comments and gasps as you two walked along. Im doing great, thanks for asking. She simply stated before he let go of her hand and followed her father into his luxurious office. Can youmaybe read some of it to me? She asked nervously. The first and only person to come forward was Thor. You had been doing a little of everything to keep yourself distracted. It wasnt until there was a picture taken by the man behind the files, that he let out a small gasp. Suddenly you are pulled up into the sky at high speed. Asgardian Prison is Not What it is All Made Out to be Errands and Light Banter With The God Of Mischief. When the light fades again you are in a different place Asgard. Eagerness spread throughout his body. Its okay, waitwhich one is this? She asked before reaching down and rubbing the heart in between her thumb and index finger. Here, you try to say but it comes out as a whisper. Of course you two had shared moments inside the tower, but nothing compared to having the luxury of a true first date. #wandamaximoff. Im not pleased with the way they use your power as a mere excuse for you to be the one to do the dirty work. His thumbs grazed your clothes elbows and you reached up to press a soft kiss upon his lips. It was a gift from my mothershe passed away when I was a child. Loki looked down in a touch of compassion. Hearing the knock on the glass the mirror image dropped and you were able to see the outside now. His hand grazed the side of your arm gently as you prepared your morning coffee on the marble counter. Shut up.. Loving. Laufeysonit says here that you have experience in this field? Y/F/N questioned whilst looking at the page with Lokis information., He nodded, Why yes, my father lost his eyewent blind from the right side. || I own nothing || - || Lilac did the questions ~ Lacey did the results ||, For the Loki fans.. One of these days, he's going to end up in a trashcan with only a bleeding, blind guy to keep him company. Odin, you speak in fear,why are you taking me?I will explain everything to you in a minute, child, just walk along for now. You do as he says and try to keep up with the large man. You only giggled a bit. You turned around in your bed and laid your head back on your pillow. Loki stood behind y/n as she did this. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress eyebrow. Shes extremely strongthey found her asleep in the woods. You drank your caffeine and took a bite of the apple Loki had placed in front of you. Loki had begun to worry that you had over done yourself. He adored the way you looked at life. Turned out, the second Iron Man smashed into her apartment through the already-broken window, he had a shotgun cocked and pointed at his chest. But at last its here. How nice to see you, his voice booms,I am sorry about your father. A sigh leaves your mouth as sadness waves over you. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). The artist was happy. He clicked the button once more to be taken back down, but instead came face to face with you. Im going to go show her now. Quickly Loki slowly grabbed her hand and drug her off. When you arrive at the palace you dont even have time to admire it as you are much too focused on keeping up with Odin, it would be an absolute nightmare to get lost in this castle. You shook your head and walked over to your usual spot. Neither one of them told her which way to go nor if she were to hit anything. Her breathing calmed when she began focusing more. He knew Odin had something to do with this. His skin looked fair and his features groomed to suit his fancy. Sitting there for a good ten minutes pondering how to approach, Wanda sighed. Are the Avengers here?". It cant be that horrid can it? He asked softly as he walked up to you. Obstacles can be over come and now youve gotten your moment. Y/N nodded before pulling away. They "It's easier to do if my life is in danger. Needle and black thread in hand. Mr. Y/N. Your cheeks turn a bright red before smirking up at him. Saving You (Loki x Reader) Requested by Anon: Hey do you think you could do a Loki one where he saves his girlfriend from being held at gun point, or getting kidnapped, just anything where she's in real danger. Info and the full schedule are up on the blog, and our askbox is always open, so ask away if you have any questions! In fact, she's not even a cat. !! Softly and slowly, your shirt was pulled over your head leaving you in your comfortable bra. Loki? You called out and walked into the room. Bringing your hands back into your lap, you wrung them repeatedly, a clear sign which showed that whatever you were about to say was making you agitated and nervous. Its an he began trying to find ways to explain it, it was a giftfrom my mother.. Loki looked at her and chuckled lightly, For this one, I suppose so. Theres just so much, his words theyre so elegant. What? He takes a step towards the old demigod. He only wished he could have this himselfto make someone as proud as y/n made her father. When he returned to Earth with Thor, you had been working on certain cases alongside the avengers due to your insight on such information. Both nervous and excited they made their way towards one of the most high end dress shops in New York City. We're running both a big bang event (starting August) and a mini bang event (starting July 19). This took a lot of convincing to both Tony and the other avengers. I love you more y/n, my dear, my unbalanced princess. He said knowing equally how much you adored the nicknames he had gifted you as well. He felt bad for asking in the first place. His eyebrows furrowed as he shifted his head a bit, Y/N you are aware of this thief looking person next to you correct? He questioned in the voice that drove y/n mad. His dark blue skin not covered by drug store makeup he felt more comfortable. You were far too nervous to ask as exactly who would guide you back to your room. Even in her current state, she was strong and believed she could care for herself. Im worried you began to speak, I do not want to hurt anyone Loki had moved slightly closer, perhaps feeling more drawn. Loki, my love, my special snowflake, you both chuckle in unison, Ive never been more sure in my life. Y/N immediately shot her hand to his cold wrist stopping him. Despite the lack of people in line, Y/N still wasnt fond of those who were there. What does Loki think of you? You fiddled with the strap of your shoulder bag and shrugged, Well were going on the subway now and lets just say theres quite peculiar people down there. Loki nodded and arched an eyebrow before walking down the steps next to you. The reader is recommended to 'take care of herself' to relax when work stress gets on top of her, however, she's finding it difficult and, when caught in the action by Loki, he offers a hand. Ive been hopingSomeone will love you, let me goSomeone will love you, let me goIve been hopingSomeone will love you, let me go. Due to being inside the home and the drapes closed, he too was on full display. Her track record was great as an agent, but one awry mission was enough to derail her plans at promotion to Field Supervisor. A barely audible gasp escaped your lips, granting Loki with pleasure of his own. These days it was easier for her to do so, as she remembered everything that surrounded her. No, this was to end and he would be the force in that. The queen worried for her youngest child, so she allowed him a few conditions. My father, Loki, she began crying from the fear she felt, w-where is h-he? She felt a pit in her stomach as Loki looked around. He hadnt known it had been such a long time, or what even happened to her motherhe knew what great pain he would feel if he even lost his adoptive mother. He softly pressed his lips to your hips and gripped your sides. Its cute. She responded. Modern Princess x Reader Quiz. Where is everyone? You ask while Thor walks you over to the couch. Your eyes looked extremely tired and your hair was everywhere but, Loki still found the sight of you completely adorable. She knew of Lucas plan for some time now, the only difference was that y/n no longer possessed her sight. Why are you here? Pairing: Loki x Reader Request: Hey, how you're doing? T-then this psychotic looking weirdo appears on their door step and bam, he lives there. It sounded lovely. Hopefully not too bored of his accent going on and on, he laughed at his own joke, I actually came here to offer a dance.. "What's happenin', babe?". Just For Fun Modern Princess X Reader Some Marvel Included Loki Stranger Things MCU . I dontI dont know how to dance. T-This isnt a skin condition. Loki sat back and threw the glass bowl upon the table on the ground causing it to shatter all over the floor. She always kept her eyelids shut, her eyes being her favorite quality all her lifeshe didnt want anyone to see what had become of their appearance. Just a little further y/n. Stephanie, the instructor encouraged. Pushing down the guilt that had been steadily rising inside of him over each passing second, the Asgardian was quickly distracted by you sliding your hand into his. Not wanting to give her frost bite, he gently moved her hand and said, Sureif thats what youd like. She always knew how to brighten up her fathers day despite the mood of it previously. Suddenly in the corner of your eyes, you catch some weird light from outside. He allowed them to do the heavy work, gathering his belongingsall except the timer. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Masterlist, Stories I Love, Loki's View On The World Suddenly a loud burst was heard. Loki felt more intensely towards this beautiful young womanhe knew this because each day the hour glass ticked just as it had for the past few months. His hand gently lifts yours to his lips and he presses a soft yet firm kiss upon it. Me?. He wrapped his arms around her as well. He looked up and over, Something like that, yes.. Look up little girl, you are about to see the most wonderful thing in your life. When the rainbow disappears again you find three men suddenly in the garden. Yeah and it sounds pretty racist. She places her hands on her hips. Today, you wanted to discover just who was your secret helper. Theyre leaving! Stephanie shouted nervously to Loki. Every morning when everyone would greet you, you would wave and give a small smile but in the back of your mind, you knew one of your team mates knew of your secret. He wondered what was so dangerous that a human could be doing to end up blind. Come here. She had called out as she stood in front of her closet. I helped them stop the bad guys who hurt good people. Caring. Were going to be alright. He said strongly and held her up. Dont say that y/n, its an emotional rollercoaster. Was this the man he was losing y/n to? Odin does so by taking you to Asgard and marrying you off to Loki despite the fact you hate one another. The scent she carried naturally, the way her fingers curled around the blanket, and that smilehe could never get tired of. He shouldnt say it back. She knew how close she was to her father and being away from him would be somewhat a struggle. They told me I wouldnt be able to lift 350 until the third week, he leaned back and shrugged, I did it in the first. Y/N held her fingers to her temple as she sighed, Yeah?. Loki noticed the smirk that y/n wore and cocked his head towards her. You didnt have a single clue as to why he was paying attention to you. On the field your powers canceled out your opponents and left them defenseless. Well, Furry wasnt exactly the most appealing man to gaze at and the other agents hadnt seemed to wear a genuine smile to work in all the times youve encountered them. Your screams were ignored and this continued until your mouth had been sewn completely shutthe woman of darkness was no more, along with the last strength you had left. Of course you only gripped Lokis hand tighter. I uhthank you. I am staying right here to finish my study. Odin waves at his guards. What does he need him for? The oder was that of humidity and popcorn for an odd reason. Y/F/N adjusted his suit and sat back on the couch. Why do I have to marry that sad excuse for a bride? Ouch. Being with you was something that changed his life. Loki completely understood and never left your side. It was the kindest gesture you had ever been given. Taking much more notice to the tones he would use and the things in general, she knew there was a reason. She hasnt said a word, Furry passed before standing before what looked like a circular cell, after she merely fried one of my guys brains, we havent allowed anyone in. Michelle soon returned to the room. A/N: This is idea of mine that has been swarming forever! If only he knew of the Gods true strength. The only audible sound being that of her broken screaming and sirens in the distance, Loki taglist: @drakesfiance @sunflqweroses @bambamwolf87 @pandaqua @bonelessbarnes @dorkybryan @hunter-demigod-timelord @thatmemequeen @powerstrangerdacre @barnes-infinity-bucky, Story Taglist: @mrssangsterstylesxavier @awkward-silence-turtle @vxidnik @fandoms-allovertheplace @limedane21 @yourpotatotwiceremooved @crazyweirdgeekthatneedstochill @ajduurikscjsja @kiwigrease @fireismysaftey @nhievyenne @bambi-loki @bilesxbilinskixlahey @jessiejunebug @imarockstar45 @fuckthatfeeling @the-deity-ofthe-cosmos @chibiyanai @zarizha @mell-bell @blueskiesbleakeyes @always-kneel-to-loki @graveyardchild @some-person-somewhere @aljadams369 @marvelc00kie35 @harleykittykat @lokis-little-kitten @sparkling-liability @youveseenthebutcher @wickedscorpio22 @zeddlocket @sheeraverage @trenchcoatdevilsworld @wishrains, Permanent Taglist: @marvelismylifffe @libbymouse @keithseabrook27 @maladaptive-ninja-returns, Song: Color by Todrick Hall, Jay Armstrong Johnson, A/N: I love your guys feedback! You wanted nothing more than to be accepted. He didnt want you to end up with Steve, he wanted you to end up with him. Work Search: Maybe there was a chance for him after all. This may not be the right time but I love you, Loki.. Dinner+Party=Dirty? I see heart. Loki this guy has been trying to earn my favor for the past three years. Y/N whined as she shook her head. He studied her face for a few seconds before looking in the opposite direction. Your eyes slowly opened and gazed into his. He couldnt help but get lost in her, his smile never fading. I dont even know any dress stores. No, I made sure the rest come tomorrow. He walked towards the door and it was David McClain and his son Lucas McClain. She was just lucky she had different genes to counter it, her unnatural body heat mixing with his cold to make it normal. So whe A shapeshifter who refuses to turn back from a wolf is brought to the Avengers in hope that they can help her heal. Woah lady Y/N, what happened to you? He asked chuckling. He was close to calling it off as possibly as one of Tonys tech making the sounds, that was until he reconsidered the roof. I get paid to make sure youre not dead somewhere. Even a little over bearing. And he has these thingslike scars on his foreheadhis skin doesnt look he trailed off hoping that Loki wouldnt hear anything as he resided in the living room. Immediately, the cold seeped through, turning his skin blue rapidly, the color travelling up his arm before he pulled away and let it rest in his lap. I Im sorry, he says softly,I have to go. He stands up but leaves the candle on a dresser to grand you some light. Lucas had walked up to the two. Wandas however showed a bit of her worries. Her sunglasses were placed on the bridge of her nose and her left hand began caressing her knee. That was surprising. Quickly Loki ran with y/n towards her fathers body. They tested on you, asked you tons of questions, basically wrongfully imprisoned you. Her father was a monster and Y/n wanted desperately to be rid of him. She can impossible remember you. The man looks back at you and smiles again. Loki cleated his throat and asked, I was getting some air, sorry. Loki has picked out the boots she wore for her. Thanks.. It was said, he had a heart of ice and couldn't feel anything else than grief. These damned things will stop at nothing to fall on the floor. Loki growled as he kneeled down to retrieve the star shaped cookie cutter. Seeing as though some people stared at him, and others completely seemed as if he hadnt existed at allhe felt a tad more comfortable than his past times being out of his room. Glasses too. Loki, she turned towards him and made a small hm? Sound, Would you like to join me on the dance floor? Loki smiled towards y/n and in a soft voice said, It would be my honor. The child is also in danger with both those who want to find her and SHIELD themselves. His large hands held your back as he made his way to your room and dipped his knees into the edge of your Queen sized bed. Loki? It was mesmerizing. For he was frightened for what could be exposed to the smart mortal woman if he allowed himself the pleasure to be enveloped by her grace. Loki has a wonderful voice, she could hear him through the walls. Part-1, 55) Ragnarok Part-1: Tales of Frying an Egg and An Unexpected Visit, 56) Ragnarok Part-2: Turns Out, Thor is the Black Sheep of the Family, 57) Ragnarok Part-3: (Y/n) Does Some Interior-Designing, 58) Ragnarok Part-4: Achievements Unlocked~ Obtain Power, Get a Fiancee, 59) Infinity War Part-1: I Didn't Fall For You Because Of Your Silver Tongue, 60) Infinity War Part-2: Hotdogs and the Reunion, 61) Infinity War Part-3: Taking Care of Her Avengers, 62) Dumb Clint, Space Talk, Loki's Secret, and Steve's Adopted Whale, Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit). He cleared his throat, I must agree. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. The Avengers themselves - her old friends - and well, after her retirement from SHIELD as a field agent, she needed something calmer, something she could work on her own time without the hectic schedules at the beck and call of Director Fury. Im done. Upon entering the glass doors, Y/N knew there would be trouble trying to get to her father. Also, I have this hat. Despite the fact that y/n ever refused to open her eyelids, Stephanie added false lashes to the equation as well. She furrowed her eyebrows, No, she scoffed, he argues with me over everything. Stephanie looked outside the front door hearing a honk. Being a better parent than ones you were cursed with was an aspiration in your life, but when you were told that you this could never happen for you and Lokiyour world felt as if had crashed down. You shrieked and laughed. Youre cold. During dinner, she thought shed speak of the whole ordeal. You were getting ready to get in the shower as you listened to Loki shout from the living room of your apartment. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. The rhythm was gained and you pressed your face into his strong shoulder. There were a few hats in there. But whats the difference between a dog and a human. Loki quickly put his attire on silently before he opened the door for her father. He pulled away slightly, noses brushing. The silence killed him far too long before and reading aloud was what helped him silence the thoughts he couldnt bare to hear much longer. Truth was, you were quite nervous to be joining the team within the tower. Loki snapped his gaze away from the book and up at Thor. He always ends up either blowing up a city or summoning aliens. Hey, you mumbled and Loki stood there smirking at you, is there something you need? You asked. Y/F/N is a fool, the way he keeps this corporation. During your last battle on the field, you had taken quite the hit to your jaw. The dull pain that throbbed on the back of your head refused to give you peace as you tried your best to look around the room for some kind of answers. You rub your hands together nervously and gaze down at your feet. "Well, L-Loki," you say with a stutter, "He's uh my ex. What is it youre proposing? Those words, y/n found herself always loving to hear the way he spoke. This is a fairytale! His hands cupped your cheeks and your lips moved in unison. She smiled and nodded. She leaned forward and gently rubbed her thumb and index finger along one of the petals. Silence, Odin his voice echoes through the room. Ex boyfriend." "Ah." He nods as he takes in the information at hand. You both giggled and pressed your foreheads together. My body isnt as sensitive as the rest of these midgardians. They dont get the opportunity to enjoy you as I have. Y/N Robertson, he sadly speaks,you have grown so much since I last saw you.I I never saw you in my life. Father, the black haired man speaks in a bored tone,that was fifteen years ago. Tomorrow evening, Im free. Upon opening the door the tall man in the black suit had turned around. He slowly and firmly thrusted in and out of you, earning another moan from your lips. This was purely her own practice and experience putting it together. Y/N was just as nervous, just in the slightest difference of ways. However, the other side of him loved you with all his heart. Son of laufey. I never thought Id be dancinglet alone at a banquet. Youre really not yourself are you? He asked before walking you over to your room. Hours later you woke up and rubbed your head. I'm sending you this ask in case you or any of your followers are interested in joining! He looked down at his lap and as if reading your mind he said, You know, I dont sleep much either, he scoffed and smiled in defeat, My own demons keeping me up I suppose.. He bent slightly and engulfed your thighs into his hands, pulling you up to the counter as you yelped slightly through the process. Disgusting. You rolled your eyes and moved your head back as there was a silence. Okay. He walked her slowly over towards the maroon colored couch in the stage area. Whats so funny? He whispered to her. After all, she hadnt warned him ahead of time that her alongside Loki, would be making an appearance today. It was snowing softly, the city of Manhattan already covered in a blanket of white, powdery snow. He will keep you save and well, what is the problem? You look down again before answering. You didnt feel the need to, you are both adults and whatever was discovered was simply that. Tell me dad, did any of them call back? She questioned. Despite feeling like a burden, you couldnt help but go to the rooftop. If I let her out againshe will demolish everything in her wake. Yes you did love. He allowed himself a genuine smile despite it not being seen. Shout from the fear she felt a pit in her stomach as Loki looked around people! Him loved you with all his heart softly as he says and try to keep yourself.... Studied her face for a good ten minutes pondering how to approach, Wanda sighed the slightest of. Thumb and index finger along one of the Gods true strength the high... Trouble trying to earn my favor for the past three years pulled over your head back your. Those who were there she allowed him a few conditions be joining the team within the tower, one... Who were there as the rest come tomorrow come and now youve gotten your moment enough derail. 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