That's about it. The troops go down easily enough, and you should gain enough experience to hit another level-up. Surik can either kill him, or cover his escape from the Station to Nar Shaddaa and can be found in one of the flophouses there. Talk to Ajuur to start the match. Valve Corporation. Go back to left room #1, then hit the flow control panel on the wall again. This least essential of side quests involves not only finding a peaceful solution to the Sand People problem, but then bringing them the krayt dragon pearl after you destroy the beast. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Movie Patches 4 This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really cut, for example the quest Corrun Falt), this mod should seriously decrease the buginess that plagued TSL. You'll have to question the men involved in the killing, and then tell Bolook whom you think is lying. Regardless of your choice, the character in question will need to: escape from their confinement, if any; overpower the Sith guard that patrols one of the hallways, then pick up the starboard cell block key from his body; free the Rodian prisoner behind one of the energy fields; then use his ICE to hack into the computer terminal in the room near where the Sith guard was. The top-most energy ring can be transferred between pillars freely. If you plan to focus on using Force powers, you may want to tough out the early sections of the game without over-investing in treat injury if the skill will become less useful when you gain the ability to heal yourself with the Force. Once you enter the western section of Ahto, you'll run into Elora. He'll go through a long exposition about how he plans to destroy the dragon by luring it out of the cave into a minefield that he's placed near the cavern's entrance, but he'll need your help to lure the, um, lure into place. Return to Chodo who will gladly give you the credits for this plan. Later he was asked to sell his Czerka droid credentials to Meetra Surik so that she could expose Czerka's corruption through the use of protocol droid B-4D4-GE3. They sound very impressive, but they're no match for destroy droid. When you wish to disarm a mine, you add five points to the DC of the task; if you want to both disarm the mine and recover it so that you can use it later, you'll need to add 10 to the DC. Join. Note that if you're good at hacking, then you might want to travel to the north computer room in the northwestern corner of the base. You can kill Dia fairly easily the first time you encounter her, and collect the bounty from Zax in the Cantina in the Under City. In addition to the normal Force power that's gained at every level-up, consulars also gain an additional Force power at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17. Your guess is as good as mine; the staff of neither Embassy seems to have much information, and even if you break into the Sith base, you won't find much to incriminate the Sith as an organization. Look hard, too--there are mines scattered here and there, especially around the downed escape pod, so let Mission recover them to add them to your inventory. Players Ebon Hawk Atton Rand. Deck 2 matters. Players who intend to become Light Jedis would do well to keep in mind that the cure and heal Force powers essentially replicate the effects of medpacs, and have the bonus of being reusable, since your Force gauge will gradually replenish itself over time. Powers like Force push, stun, wound, or slow should all be concentrated on Sherruk; hopefully one of them will grab hold of him, allowing you to chop-socky him until he's dead. Step through the door, kill the energy-shielded Vulkars, and proceed to the Vulkar base. Version) File Description The original review was in semi-AOL speak and left out some stuff, so mod ta-da, here's a somewhat brand new review for everyone! Return to Zax for the bounty. Soldiers lag behind scoundrels in terms of the number of skills they acquire, both at character creation and at level-up, and have the fewest number of class skills, but gain more feats than either of the other classes upon gaining a level. By which we mean to say: there is a crapload of Sith here. Kill Ithorak and head on to Tatooine. Would the Sith have killed her for this? As soon as the fight begins, have all of your party members activate Force speed, then attempt to stun the regular Dark Jedi enemies. Once you possess the Star Map, return to the Jedi Council. Although Jolee appears in your journal, he has no real side-quest, like your other party members. When you see the Tuskans guarding the latter exit, engage them and kill them all; there'll be 10 or so in total, so be sure to heal up first. Use the consoIe here to optionaIly erase your connction to Czerka, nd not-optionally downIoad the files. This works on a surprisingly high number of locked doors and containers, but keep in mind that many of these bashable items have a very high damage resistance, meaning that it might take you a very long time to open them without the security skill. After another locked door (DC 28), you'll be inside Ajunta's Tomb. As for the other barracks, if you're having trouble, try sending your PC in to open the door alone by using solo mode (back button). Despite appearances, you won't be able to fight them--yet. The catch to this battle is that Malak can completely regenerate himself every once in a while, by smashing open one of the creepy floating Jedi that dot the area. If you accidentally leave even one Jedi behind, your mine expertise will be for naught. For the control center, you may wish to repair the droid in the northwestern hallway to do your dirty work for you. As such, your human character will be able to droidishly override the default programming of computers you encounter along your adventure, provided you have the skill necessary to use the computer 'spikes' which act as disposable hacking tools. If you've set up Bastila properly, she can take out any one of the Jedi in just a couple of rounds, assuming she's doing three or four attacks per round (with master flurry and one of the higher two ranks of speed); with your PC in there swinging away as well, you should be able to take out all three of the masters before they have a chance to kill any of your party members. Master speed will make your Jedi harder to hit and double or triple the number of attacks per round, while a successful wave will break up your enemies into smaller groups, and stun at least a few of them. 5) Cantina Come back here once you have your stuff back. When a character specializes in a weapon, he or she adds two damage to the total damage dealt on the blow. Habat then allowed B-4D4 to leave. Also note that many Force powers are not useable while you are wearing armor; this fits thematically into the notion that scoundrels will usually become the most powerful Force users once your character becomes a Jedi. Zaalbar's stats are the stuff of dreams for munchkin players everywhere; even Bill Gates would think twice before raising his attributes to levels like those of Zaalbar. Some tasks will allow you to try them multiple times; many, most notably those relying on the persuasion skill, are one-time-only opportunities. Bring the Chieftain's gaffi stick back to the Czerka office for your reward. 3) Samhan Dobo Sells weapons and armor as well as engaging smuggling and the black market. Run towards them a bit, to ensure that the reinforcements arrive, then throw a frag grenade at one of the soldiers in the middle of the group; this should take out most of them and severely weaken the survivors. Dispatch the guards and search the remains for a datapad that'll give you a bit of a clue regarding this base's main puzzle. You can also do some Swoop Racing here although the racing here is quite buggy and everytime I tried to race, the Swoop Bike ended up flying in the air. Assuming you destroyed the harvester, feel free to be truthful; they'll actually commend you for your environmental awareness, which should make all you Final Fantasy players feel right at home. Sometimes you won't see them coming, in which case a high demolitions rank won't be very helpful, but if you do manage to spot a mine in your path (using the awareness skill), you'll need to have some measure of demolitions proficiency in order to disarm it. You can think of your class as roughly analogous to an innate talent that may be used or squandered as you see fit, rather than as a rigid mold that must be adhered to at all times. If the player uses the first person viewpoint while playing as B-4D4 then the view is given a red-orange hue as if looking through B-4D4's photoreceptors. After you knock Malak's health down to around half of his bar, he'll run off. Return to Jon to get the experience for the quest. Apparently the Sith can't hold their ale--has our intrepid hero found the key to ending this horrible conflict once and for all?!? (Just as a note, you may eventually be able to buy items from Mika Dorin, the bartender in the cantina in Dreshdae. Thanks, BioWare! After you knock him down to about half of his vitality, he'll take a moment to explain who the Jedi are (and, since conversations take place in real-time, your battle stims, Force powers, and energy shields will have their clocks ticking all the while), and then heal himself completely. If you die repeatedly, try catching them off-guard with a grenade before they can chase you. STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords . If you do go on a rampage, you'll need to head to the far southern end of the enclave to find the Rakatan with the Ancient Tome you'll need to bring back to the One. You can win her back by paying 2,000 credits (1,500 with persuade) or play a game of Pazaak, with 1,000 credits on the table. Once you're done with that little run-in, take someone with a high security score and bust open the footlocker on the dock; there's an interface visor inside that's worth having, since it adds four to demolitions, computer use, and security. The key here is to incapacitate the Jedi before he can do serious damage; both whirlwind and stasis seem to have a decent chance of connecting, though he will resist your powers more often then not. There'll be a pillar blocking your way that brings up an inventory screen when you click on it; put an explosive device, like a frag mine, inside of it to blow it up. You'll gain a new party member, Juhani, assuming you didn't punch her ticket back in the grove, and be granted permission to leave Dantooine. The launcher picture should have changed, and mention "version 1.8" in the upper right corner. Sand People will occasionally ambush you in groups of three while you're in the Dune Sea, and we can only suppose that Anakin Skywalker wiped out Tuskans that were watered down by millenia of inbreeding, because these guys are tough, especially if you come to Tatooine without a lot of levels under your belt. The first involves a group of acolytes attempting to gain access to the Sith Academy--you'll be asked to choose whether their instructor, one Shaardan, should let them live or die. Both can be found on skeletal remains in the sewers. The best combination of Force powers in most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and Force wave. See Luxa Quests for the Dark Side path. He'll lock you in regardless, then activate the machinery here, which will produce eight droids right away, each of which will be replaced automatically when you destroy it. The reason you'd want to do it over and over again is that the game erroneously awards you experience each time you do it, thus creating an experience well that's limited only by your available computer spikes, or by the game's experience cap, if you do manage to hack for free. She's a much easier foe than Uthar. This means that they will be significantly underpowered for much of the mid-game, but by the time you reach the end of the adventure, this gap will be much less than a level, and so things will be a little less complicated. Note that the use of a 'balanced' weapon in your off-hand slot can reduce the attack penalty of your main-hand weapon, so be on the lookout for balanced swords and pistols during your travels. Once she's out, you can use her security skill to break the Rodian free from his cell, then activate stealth and head to the terminal in the room near the Sith guard that roams the halls. Head east to find a group of Dark Jedi that need killing, then walk into the flow control room. (This can come in fairly handy towards the *cough* end of the game.) Helping them entails killing a terentatek in the eastern part of the caves. Carth's side-quest involves his long-lost son, who disappeared after his home planet was destroyed by the Sith fleet. Opo Chano was a Duros droid repairman and parts salesman on Telos IV Citadel Station during the time of the Dark Wars. (1/5), Transfer from injector to container. Head back out to the Residential Area and take the Exit to Entertainment 081. I am on the quest where you get into the Czerka Mainframe on the first planet, but I can't do anything, I killed both the rebel and real exchange leader and helped the ithorians through, and have done all the side quests, I looked it up online and it says I have to talk to Opo Chano and get the lieing module installed on the robot, but I can do is by his droid parts, and when I talk to the droid all I can do is talk about the prototype gun and about the corperation, I sided with the ithorians and so even though I never met her when I talk to the czerka head she said something along the lines of you have a lot of nerve talking to me after what you did or I don't have time for you. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. If you're having trouble surviving the mere journey to this corner, then that whole difficulty setting joke might not seem so funny to you. f6d3264842 Someone who makes his or her way through the universe by becoming a jack-of-all-trades would most likely be a scout, since this class is proficient at both combat and the more intellectual methods of problem-solving. Also, keep in mind that only your PC can use persuade; none of the NPC members of your party are apparently gifted with a way with words. For instance, suppose two of your characters both attack an opponent with a defense of 15. You can set a mine that you have bought or found by making a check against the DC of the mine, which is either DC 15, DC 20, or DC 25, with the higher difficulties being, of course, the most powerful mines (which are usually used to guard the most valuable locations and items). That saving throw, however, is checked against a DC that consists of the attacker's experience level plus the attacker's strength modifier, so at low levels, you won't stun an opponent more than 1 time out of three at best. You can do a complete 180 from your initial class, if you wish, or continue along the path that you've been working on since the game began.). Catwoman, as we refer to her, will evolve into your party's prime killing machine with a minimum of fuss. You can take them out with one shot of your sonic emitter, but, to keep things even, they can kill you in one shot as well. Wisdom is usually associated with sagacious Jedi Masters, such as Yoda. For better or for worse, you can slice into the computer terminal at the Republic Embassy before you complete the actual trial for the real truth behind the case. Another small skirmish follows, but this time Bastila comes to rescue you after you're irrevocably stunned by Malak. Encompassing a broad variety of specific abilities, feats are used to further specialize a character, largely through customizing the way you conduct yourself during combat. Once you've chosen your class and gone through the level-up procedure, Dorak will give you a crystal and send you back to Zhar, who will help you construct your saber. You can also sometimes get lucky and deal more damage than he has life in a very short period of time and kill him outright, but more often, you'll need to wait him out and keep your own health up. When you make a skill check, you take your rank in that skill, add or subtract the appropriate modifier for the governing attribute to find your modified skill rank, and then, depending on the circumstances, the game either adds a random number between one and 20 to that rank or simply adds 20 to determine whether or not you succeeded at your task. Once you have visited more areas you can use these consoles for fast travel. Elsewhere, in the cantina, you'll be able to purchase some fine Pazaak cards from the bartender; he offers up two copies of each of the +/-2, +/-3, and +/-4 cards; this should be enough to make a fairly tough deck to beat, if you combine them with other cards of the same variety that you've come across in your travels. Reloading is annoying, so just pick these choices and get it right the first time. More vitality is obviously important to characters that see a fair amount of battle, but keep in mind that the benefits of a high constitution can be emulated by the toughness feats. You can leave if you want, but if you wish to acquire more info on the missing Selkath, you'll need to proceed further into the base. They get +30 to their attack rolls, and deal over 25 damage per hit, so youll definitely need to beware sudden drops in health. Once Rukil clues you in to the fact that his apprentice is missing, search for her to the northwest of the Undercity settlement. Well, maybe just a little fear; Juhani's far from invincible, even with her huge vitality base, and you'll need to use her correctly so that she doesn't wind up getting overwhelmed in every fight. The first quest is to pick up some items from the Medical Lab in Residential 082 West. Light side characters, in short, will need to: And so on and so forth. First off, pick a runner; one of your characters with Force speed and preferably Force resistance or immunity will do nicely. These skills are purchased with skill points at a one-to-one ratio. Other than that, the four tombs here present good methods for Light side Jedi to obtain prestige without Dark side alignment shifts. In any case, once you've dealt with the firaxan threat, you can now access the Star Map, to the east of the kolto control panel. If you're not a blaster user, let Carth equip the ion blaster, and then go to town. Light side Solution: Find the journals and return them to Rukil. You'll eventually come across the quintessential Star Wars body part, a severed arm. (Note that this is a trick: even if you do kill Gadon, youll still be forced into the swoop race. Even so, a Dark Jedi of these levels of power is no powder puff. Players who intend to become Dark Jedi will have a much easier time in the game, if only because conflict resolution is reduced to picking the conversation options that will most quickly lead to bloodshed. First off, you'll need to track down the body of a Wookiee south of Jolee's hut, and read the datapad found on it. The droid uprising will eliminate most of your Sith opposition on this level. They will definitely pay. Every time Malak hits you, he gets an automatic +14 to damage. Jolee is one of the last NPCs you'll add to your party, but he's far from the worst. The sense abilities, which you gain automatically as your Jedi character gains levels, simply add a bonus to your defense rating, helping to compensate for a Jedi's characteristic lack of armor. Of course, if you're just gonna cause a ruckus, you can bring whomever you want to the party. Powers are sorted into Light side, Dark side, and neutral classifications. Roland won't reveal why they've been hiring mercenaries until after you infiltrate the Sith base for him; once that's done, he'll fill you in on the details. This is the perfect time to upgrade your weaponry; you should've been finding plenty of items around the Vulkar Base. A guardian is roughly analogous to a soldier. Although all Jedi are trained in the proper use of a lightsaber upon initiation into the Jedi Order, it's a simple matter of fact that some of them are more adept at wielding the blade than others. To disable these cannons, you'll need pass cards, which only Vulkar lieutenants possess. It is also possible to kill him after threatening him. This feat is of somewhat universal utility; it fits almost any character, since everyone takes damage. The one exception to this smorgasbord of Star Wars genre-mining has been the role-playing game, which is odd, considering both that role-playing games have a deep fan base, and that Star Wars, with its richly imagined universe and compelling sci-fi archetypes, seems like a natural choice to be the basis for such a game. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Corrects an issue with the swoop bike getting stuck in air in the swoop race mini-game, Corrects stuck issue when reboarding Ebon Hawk on Nar Shaddaa, Corrects a text/voice mismatch in Kreia's dialogue on Malachor, Corrects a scripting issue with Batano quest on Telos (light side), Corrects a scripting issue with Devaronian conversation on Telos, Updates a journal entry for "A Hidden Power" quest on Korriban, Updates a journal entry for the "Fuel Sabotage" bonus mission on Telos, Master Vash's corpse will now yield a lightsaber if you have a lightsaber when you kill him on Korriban (dark side), Khoonda Gun Turrets will no longer appear if you destroy them on Dantooine (dark side), Reduced the repetition of party members' voice lines when opening doors and containers. Your character takes a Dark side hit, sure, but Juhani immediately changes her mind about the morality of her action. Luckily for you, the Sith troopers on the Endar Spire are completely inept; they have a huge penalty to both their attack and defense, so you shouldn't have too much trouble with them. One of your characters has no attack bonus, while the other character has an attack bonus of +10. This quest doesn't involve Force attunement adjustments; screwing it up will only convince Bolook of your incompetence. If you sided with Bastila earlier, skip to the next page, to the part that says '. Interested in getting to the surface on the planet Telos, she agreed to help Chodo Habat and his Ithorians against Czerka, their competitors for the Telosian restoration project, in exchange for a shuttle off Citadel Station. Unfortunately, the attack penalties are still absolutely horrendous at the first level, so unless you want your enemies to think that you got weapons training from Greedo, you'll probably want to stick with a single weapon until you reach the second rank of this feat. It is also possible to convince a protocol droid in the Dock Module that the station's leading council has granted Czerka the right to collect an excise tax on all incoming traffic, and that he, B-4D4 is in charge of collecting the tax. So on and so forth evolve into your party 's prime killing machine with a grenade before they chase... Droid uprising will eliminate most of your Sith opposition on this level connction to Czerka, nd not-optionally the. Going to be master speed and Force wave severed arm Jedi of these levels power! Combination of Force kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase in most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and preferably Force or... Any character, since everyone takes damage to Czerka, nd not-optionally downIoad the files picture should have,. ) Samhan Dobo Sells weapons and armor as well as engaging smuggling and the black market around... The men involved in the eastern part of the last NPCs you 'll come. 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