The human debrisoquine Thanks for the insight, I love science for trying to make sense of the seemingly unfathomable. . The remaining four refused to continue atomoxetine due to their initial experience with adverse effects. As with Gina, I might benefit from increasing the dosage of atomoxetine (Strattera) somewhat. I didnt even know this type of test even existed! antipsychotics/dopamine antagonists include aripiprazole, clozapine, Extensive Metabolizer: Normal rate of metabolism. Prozac, Paxil and Antihistamine Interact With Amphetamines [AMP] Through CYP 450-2D6. Goat, and I greatly appreciate your enthusiastic response. And guess what? CYP2D6 catalyzes the hepatic metabolism of a large number of clinically important medications,. gene locus to human chromosome 22q13.1 by polymerase chain reaction, in Oh well. Im not sure what you mean all the types of codes for ADHD.. Hanioka N, Kimura S, Meyer UA et al., Very informative series of articles. Resulting phenotype: Normal(Extensive)-to-ultra-rapid-metabolizer Expert: Infusion Pharmacy Technicians Can Reduce Workload in Oncology Pharmacy, Clinical Forum Recap Data Show Melanoma Site to Be Independent High-Risk Factor for Recurrence, Poor Outcomes, Beverly Hills Pharmacy—Pharmacy to the (Sports) Stars, CCPA Speaks Out: Pharmacy Awaits Outcome of Key Legislation, New Tiered Copays Pricing Patients Out of Treatment. Not for everyone. Very interesting series. Given that the majority of genetic polymorphisms to CYP2D6 result in absent the impact those polymorphic variations have on CYP2D6 activity it is important to consider the following: 1) The normal (or wild-type) CYP2D6 One way your body does this is by using enzymes to break down (metabolize) the medicine. The main benefit of this testing, for most people with ADHD, is to identify whether one is a rapid or slow metabolizer. Hi Gina, 5 Extensive metabolizers may show appropriate response to atomoxetine at the higher end of the recommended dose range. Keep up the great work! Dosing recommendations for tricyclic antidepressants based on CYP2D6 phenotype. Anyone who has a known or suspected medical condition, or is taking medication of any kind, or has health concerns should consult a qualified health care provider before following any of the suggestions in this blog. I wish I knew about gene-testing in Australia. Does that mean Wellbutrin would address his ADHD symptoms? Patients who have little CYP2D6 activity, therefore, are likely to have little response to codeine. A pharmacogenomic test looks for differences that can help your medical team know how well your CYP2D6 enzyme will work. My therapy office is trying to use this to say that you are or are not ADHD. Goat riding his High Horse. CYP2D6 is one of the most important detox enzymes. A family of enzymes called cytochrome P450 breaks down certain medicines. Kimura S, Umeno M, Skoda R C et al. Now that we have summarized the main effects of genetic polymorphisms on Note that in patients genetically deficient in CYP2D6 who are taking a CYP2D6 substrate, the addition of a CYP2D6 inhibitor will not result in any change in the plasma concentrations of the substrate. , Just to be clear: My husband and I worked on this together, to explain pharmacodynamics, etc.. He is virtually paralysed by stress when it comes to school work and exams. Copyright Notice and Medical Disclaimer I hope many families can begin to take advantage of this opportunity, especially because it is relatively affordable. What were you hoping to learn? You also want to have a clear idea of what working will mean. The other lad hasnt face the same failure to launch issues hes launched in so many directions over the past 4 years that you can spot our house on the horizon because of the fireworks! Or even careful. Because the Concerta generics dont work as Concerta goes. superfamily: update on new sequences, gene mapping, accession numbers, Thanks Gina for a great seriesmy husband Steve is anxious to take the test, but we found the closest pharmacist who offers it in the San Francisco Bay Area is located in Patterson (central valley). The test results can help your doctor and pharmacist choose the correct type or dose of medicine to give you. They may develop moderate-to-severe adverse effects from excessive morphine concentrations in the blood. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. But Im confused. I appreciate you and your husband devoting so much efforts to better understanding and coping with ADHD. Absolutely not. In many situations, a substrate of Its really hard knowing how much better I can feel on the right drug but still be stuck on a drug because no one really knows which drug is the right drug to prescribe. If the patient is taking amphetamine and is CYP2D6 poor metabolizer. Intermediate Metabolizer: Slow rate of metabolism. And remember: this is only as far as this particular gene is concerned (there are many other factors beyond this one gene!). Drugs metabolized by CYP2D6 arecalled CYP2D6 substrates (see Table 2 at right). The CYP2D6*1 is considered the wild-type allele when no variants are detected and is associated with normal enzyme activity and the "normal metabolizer . Drug Metab Dispos His brother, at 17, has just been diagnosed, and after a catastrophic Concerta-induced breakdown in school, is also heavily resistant. There you have it, folks! The CYP2D6 gene or the cytochrome P450 2D6 contains instructions for the production of the CYP2D6 enzyme. I am now on Vyvanse, just started taking the max dose (70mg) after 1 month. Might be worth a try. Because too many prescribers dont have the first clue about itbut still believe it is the best for adults thanks to aggressively persuasive pharma reps of years ago. Pharmacokinet 2005;20:113-6. Antidepressants, antiarrhythmics, beta-blockers, and opioid analgesics are typical substrates of CYP2D6. Perhaps thats why it wasnt beneficial at the time. But obvious strategies exist for dealing with it (e.g. Furthermore, some medication substrates of CYP2D6 may require include bisoprolol, carvedilol, metoprolol, nebivolol, and propranolol. It would be nice to know whether the gene testing is available in Canada. Sometimes I wish we could fast-forward 50 years or so, and hope for better, clearer ways to select medications. Analysis from pooled data suggests that CYP2D6 poor metabolizers have greater increases in heart rate, diastolic blood pressure and frequency of tremors, as compared to CYP2D6 normal metabolizers. Second, I was prescribed Wellbutrin early on (listed in the second column), but only after I had started taking a stimulant. Individuals who carry one decreased function allele and one no function allele are classified intermediate metabolizers, while individuals who carry two no function alleles are classified as poor metabolizers. A summary ending with talk to your doctor. But what if the doctor knows diddly? Other than that, it will have to be on a case by case basis. clonidine and guanfacine). These include, but are not limited to, carboxylase easterase 1 (CES1), cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6), dopamine receptor D1-5 (DRD1-5), adrenoceptor alpha 2A (ADRA2A), catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT). Im not sure I understand the question. It is responsible for the clearance of 25% of clinical drugs, including opioids, antitumor drugs, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Many people do poorly on Adderall, for a host of reasons, and do better on Vyvanse. I have asked my contact at Harmonyx about Canada. ADHD in adults with the comorbid partially responsive major depressive disorder . But some dont do well on any amphetamineor any methylphenidate. Its impossible to know until you try. Both children are on some type of med, but their ADHD manifests itself differently in each. Childhood Cancer Survivor Stories: Meet the Patients, Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) and Medicines. it to exert a pharmacologic effect. My husband is really struggling with his adhd symptoms right now and could really benefit from this testing. majority of genetic polymorphisms to the CYP2D6 gene result in either absent or Yes, it can be overwhelming. Thanks for your help with this issue. My husband takes 40 mg. Maybe, if you have some unusual mutations or you are a very rapid/slow metabolizer. The next most common type of medications known to be substrates Seems like the whole world is more concerned with the drug abusers then the people who truly benefit from this type of medication, myself being one of them. The combination of CYP2D6 alleles that a person has is used to determine their diplotype (e.g., CYP2D6 *4/*4), which subsequently is used to assign a phenotype (e.g., CYP2D6 poor metabolizer). 1991;1:26-32. Not Intuniv and certainly not Zoloft (an SSRI). Genetic testing for CYP2D6 activity can be performed, but it is not yet a routine procedure. CYP2D6 is among the most promiscuous of these enzymes, involved in the metabolism. It would be huge if this testing could shorten the route to help. Genomics News helps connect you to the latest genomics-related research, case studies, medical breakthroughs and educational programs from Cleveland Clinic. My husband has had very little success with medication, but has only tried one or two of them. Ive been going back and forth as to whether or not to get said child tested, as it seems that the testing is more of a guide, than an answer. It might be that you are one of the people who responds better to the AMP class (Amphetamine) than the MPH (methylphenidate) class. Now I see why I did not react to the stimulants, and I had no green ADHD take-as-prescribed medication on the list at all. Especially if its not covered by insurance and money is tight. Sue. Some people have CYP2D6 enzyme activity that causes them to break down some medicines slower or faster than normal. Other drug classes and medications I have talked with the pharmacists at the place where I get prescriptions filled and they are interested in offering it but are part of a corporation (grocery store) so of course have to wait for corporate to get on board. enzyme activity is highly functional and efficient, which is why most patients A fraction of the population (about 7% of Caucasians and 2% of African Americans) are poor metabolizers (PMs) of CYP2D6 metabolized drugs. CYP2D6 is part of the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes that helps the body break down certain medicines. I sure Gina has some unsavory genetic variants in her genome somewhere. And it wasnt that. What if finding the right medication and dosage for your patient with ADHD were as simple as a cheek swab? 17 The range of values observed for atomoxetine exposure, most often reported as either the area under the drug plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) or the maximum concentration (C max ), is substantial. You should check directly with the company. metabolism via CYP2D6 to their active forms (which is morphine for codeine and 11 On the one hand, bupropion could be expected to raise venlafaxine levels to a lesser extent in such patients because venlafaxine levels are It was a gamble, getting this geeky. But I figured at least a few people would appreciate it. Did she go up to 54 mg? Hum Molec Genet Unfortunately, many are given an amphetamine (more often than not, Adderall), and thats it. If I Had Cancer, Will My Children Get Cancer? The basics in your case might be less in realm of genes, snips, and enzymes and more in..the basic protocol for treating ADHD. generation of allelic variants of the human cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 Thats why she created this soup-to-nuts online courseon ADHD-related sleep issues and medication. It might be like remembering how skinny and agile I used to be. What are Cytochrome P450 I think we will have to really consider trying this for our son. Will you respond well to it? The CYP2D6 enzyme is involved in metabolizing antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), fluvoxamine (Luvox) and venlafaxine (Effexor XR), as well as tricyclic antidepressants such as nortriptyline (Pamelor), amitriptyline, clomipramine (Anafranil), desipramine (Norpramin) and imipramine (Tofranil). I am learning so much from this. CYP2D6 is involved in the metabolism of more than 65 commonly used drugs including -blockers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, analgesics, and antiarrythmics. Gina Pera is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and educator on Adult ADHD, especially as it can affect relationships. Goat for this very informative series! A cut off a cartload. Thats a new one! I really learned something new here. All Rights Reserved. Clin Pharmacol 2000;50:31-4. Fascinating. tolterodine. Gough AC, Smith C A, Howell S M et al. Monitor for increased tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) adverse effects, such as nausea, dizziness, hypotension, and syncope, and consider a lower dose of amitriptyline with concurrent use. It does NOT mean that you should not take the medication. This results in very little to no CYP2C19 activity. A decent genotype for once! A single dose, pharmacokinetic study demonstrated that 6 to 17-year-old children diagnosed with ADHD who are CYP2D6 poor metabolizers had a statistically significant higher plasma concentration and decreased clearance of atomoxetine, as compared to CYP2D6 normal metabolizers. and efficient, which is why these patients are labeled as extensive This information is general education and does not replace medical advice. Im confused as to whether the Vyvanse does, in actuality, use that enzyme. P.S. This can be interpreted as competitive inhibition, suggesting that diphenhydramine may be a CYP2D6 substrate. metabolic activity of CYP2D6 in Chinese. But I encourage you to read it start to finish, a bit at a time, taking note of the bits that resonate for you. Far better then the Concerta I am now taking. That is, identifying a medication that is likely to work for your son and then checking the FDA-mandated label material (the sheet of tiny print, which you can also find online). Steen VM, Molven A, Aarskog NK et al. Pharmacogenetics My son Matt is 22 years young and hes been inundated with ADHD for several years. The CYP2D6 enzyme metabolizes atomoxetine to 4-hydroxyatomoxetine. I can imagine how frustrating that must be, remembering how much better another Rx worked for you. Tamoxifen has a complex set of metabolic pathways, but CYP2D6 is primarily responsible for the production ofits active metabolite. Assignment of likely phenotypes based on diplotypes. 1993;90:11825-11829. lidocaine, mexiletine, propafenone, and quinidine. or reviews al the time along with a cup of coffee. 1999;27:385-8. What kind of list of meds do you mean? I am having very hard time with her doctors . The majority of genetic polymorphisms to the CYP2D6 gene result So, if dextroamphetamine=Adderall XR and Vyvanse breaks lisdexamfetamine into dextroamphetamine, wouldnt it also need to be broken down by the 2d6 enzyme at that point? Sleep deficits Personally, Id be wary of any prescriber who is not willing to discuss. ( Sorry for all that double talk) LOl. The majority of literature regarding equine drug metabolite profiles is derived from sports drug detection research and is generally targeted at . The recognition of these various medications are Based on ability to metabolize bupropion to hydroxybupropion (HB), patients with this phenotype, who show a 20% decrease in HB levels, are likely to benefit from a higher total daily dose of bupropion. Do you know of any other companies right now that do??? Do you know for a fact that your son has liver damage? Lastly, the other To date, however, no comprehensive review of equine drug metabolism has been published. Might have made a difference. A good example of this later When considering half-life and area under the curve (AUC) of atomoxetine in CYP2D6 extensive metabolizers, patients with this phenotype are likely to respond to atomoxetine, but may require doses at the higher end of the recommended range. Homologous unequal Table 4. is all I can say. The enzyme production predominantly occurs in the liver. The protease inhibitors, which are used to treat patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, are. The normal (or wild-type) CYP2D6 enzyme activity is highly functional and efficient, which is why these patients are labeled as extensive metabolizers. Forsome CYP2D6 substrates (eg, thioridazine), increased plasma concentrations can increase the risk of serious adverse consequences. metabolizers. Genetic study has always fascinated me, and now that Im the adoptive mum of a young boy with ADHD my interest in genetics has been fuelled again. I can only imagine how tired you are. Its useful to know that I might benefit from this drug. For various reasons. Alex, Thank you for the kind words. in the population are labeled as ultra-rapid or extensive metabolizers; 2) The Instead, its been extremely popular (though you wouldnt know it by the paucity of comments on the rest of the posts). I am indeed taking Strattera, the sole drug recommended under the Try these first category. Patientswho are poor metabolizers (individuals with no CYP2D6 activity) or ultrarapid metabolizers (individuals with genetically elevated CYP2D6 activity) can have markedly altered response to drugs that are CYP2D6 substrates. Poor Metabolizer (PM) - This means there are two copies of low or no activity genes. I am so disappointed to learn that Genesight doesnt test for response to the ADHD medications. Each person differs from another at the DNA level. A more dangerous situation, however, occurs when ultrarapid metabolizers take codeine. I have already told you that Im talking Concerta 36mg 2 X daily. My doctor ordered me a genetic test that indicated that I carry ADRA2A C/C and SLC6A4 S/S (short serotonin transporter). Hi, Then I tried Strattera. and propoxyphene). Had to stop due to high diastolic blood pressure and little effect. Because all drugs are metabolized to be ultimately removed from the body. the psychotropics include the antidepressants and antipsychotics/dopamine MPH Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, etc. Thank you so much for posting this! would be beneficial. Hes involved in other scientific pursuits, like cancer. Reduce the dose of TRINTELLIX by one-half when patients are receiving a CYP2D6 strong inhibitor (e.g., bupropion, fluoxetine, paroxetine, or quinidine) concomitantly. The second class includes antiarrhythmic medications such as flecainide, cross-over involving a 2.8 kb direct repeat as a mechanism for the CYP2D6 metabolizes other opioid analgesics, including tramadol, dihydrocodeine, oxycodone and hydrocodone, although they have been less systematically studied. CYP2D6.8 In the presence of strong CYP2D6 inhibitors, up to 80% of individuals with a non-poor metabolizer genotype are con-verted to a poor metabolizer phenotype.8 While the phenotype provides a clearer representation of metabolism status than genotype, this information may not always be available. And I realize Concerta is a stimulant. variant CYP2D6 allele with a single base deletion in exon 3 and its Hes kinda burned out on hearing about his condition and has doubts in a successful treatment. Drugs may be metabolized by only one CYP450 enzyme (e.g., metoprolol by CYP2D6) or by multiple enzymes (e.g., warfarin [Coumadin] by CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4). In other words, instead of jumping to a complicated and rare diagnosis, start with the basics. Cleveland Clinic 1995-2023. (To see a larger version, click the image below.). But there are a ton of exceptions. Receive Gina Pera'saward-winning blog postsand news ofwebinars and workshops. I see that Adderall XR is metabolized bu CYP2D6 and that Vyvanse is not metabolized by the P450 system. About 40% of people with ADHD do clearly better on one class of stimulants than the other (MPH vs AMP). I am completing right now Course 2 in my online training, solely on sleep and medication. Especially with women. I appreciate Dr. Goats experience with medications and thank you both for taking the time to inform us on this complex subject. and nomenclature. Pharmacogenomics the study of how an individuals genetic variations impact the response to drugs has emerged as an essential tool to optimize therapy and minimize the risk of adverse effects. antihypertensives and specifically the beta-blockers. My kiddo has been doing okay on Intuniv and Zoloft, but is older now and really needs something for concentration. Trial registration: NCT00190684 . Then I had my own two beautiful littles and come to find out my husband and I breed ADHD! increase the risk for an exaggerated pharmacologic effect or side effect Poor approximations (though they might work well for people who well on actual Concerta). My child was genetically tested as a rapid metabolizer CYP2C19. It would be a lot easier with some sort of guide, such as harmonyx. Sorry youre having such trouble. Griese EU, Asante-Poku S, Ofori-Adjei D et al. But it neednt be. This test looks only at the patients genotype and its relationship to these drugs. It doesnt mean not taking a stimulant. Translation: Aargh, this means Im walking around with a semi-crappy ADRA2A genotype. I seriously enjoyed reading it, you may be a great author.I will be sure to bookmark your blog and may come back down the road. Some people have CYP2D6 enzyme activity that causes them to break down some medicines slower or faster than normal. Poor metabolism can block the breakdown of a medication or prevent it from being assimilated. Therefore, the recommendation for these phenotype groups are to initiate with . Nature Hey there I am so grateful I found your website, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Aol for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a remarkable post and a all round thrilling blog (I also love the theme/design), I dont have time to go through it all at the minute but I have saved it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the excellent job. Conclusions: These results suggest that CYP2D6 poor metabolizers taking atomoxetine in doses up to 1.8 mg/kg/day are likely to have greater efficacy, greater increases in cardiovascular tone, and some differences in tolerability compared with CYP2D6 extensive metabolizers taking similar doses. hydromorphone for hydrocodone). Thank you so much for the research and the writing the article in a way that a regular old joe can understand! Can you please provide more info on this? Table 3. I have to say I really appreciate that you take the time, and provide readers with the courtesy of respect, to provide the scientific details with no apology. the CYP2D6 enzyme.19 CYP2D6 is responsible for me-tabolism of many antiemetics, beta-blockers, codeine, tramadol, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tamoxifen, antide-pressants, neuroleptics, and antiarrythmics.5 Testing is available to categorize a person's CYP2D6 metabolism as poor, intermediate, extensive (normal), Differences in your DNA that make up the CYP2D6 gene can affect how well you are able to break down certain medicines. Because Id want to know sleep status, diet, generic vs. brand, delivery system, stimulant class, and a lot more. Lets review the printed information on the first gene, and Ill follow with a translation. And guess what, both kids are ADHD as well! Ive been teaching for 16 years and have seen ADHD meds in the classroom setting for a while. Together powered by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Bone Marrow / Hematopoietic Cell Transplant, See more side effects of cancer treatment, Learn more about psychology and mental health services, Relapse - When Childhood Cancer Comes Back, Communicating with the Palliative Care Team, Learn how to navigate the healthcare experience, Katie's Story: Building Relationships with Health Care Providers, Learn more about being your own health care advocate, How to Make the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Care. Helpful ADD information is so hard to find, we will consider giving this a try. Atomoxetine's primary mode of oxidative metabolism is through the enzyme CYP2D6 resulting in the formation of 4-hydroxyatomoxetine, which has equipotent inhibition of the reuptake of norepinephrine in the synaptic cleft (this will be important later on in the consideration of potential side effects).1,4,5 All About Adult ADHD Especially Relationships. Side note: I thought to try Strattera as I found some helpful information on dosing for CYP2D6 poor metabolizers Why? Thanks for the series! Generally speaking, its Atomoxetine (Strattera) that comes to mind with CYP2D6. debrisoquine: study of the functional significance of individual Adderall is not my favorite Rx; it gets many people into trouble and most prescribers havent a clue. psychotropics (specifically antidepressants and antipsychotics/dopamine Yes, unfortunately Harmonyx is no longer administering this test. I have tried potentiating with antacids without luck. mutant alleles in a normal Japanese population and metabolic activity of Boo, another semi-crappy genotype. used in clinical practice that may be affected. Rapid metabolism? But it might be that its extra mechanism of action is what works for you. By contrast, among CYP2D6 poor metabolizers the half-life of atomoxetine . We reside in a rural area in No. Pharmacogenomic testing can help providers to prescribe medications and doses that are safe and effective, at times achieving the positive clinical outcomes with minimal side effects. I have been taking immediate release generic adderall for nearly 10 years (20mg 3x/day) but no longer feel like it is effective. CA and have been unable to locate where/how we can access a Harmonyx testing kit. She believes that everyone with ADHD deserves the opportunity to optimize medication. I asked my doctor, and she agreed we must continue looking for the proper medication and dosage. 3 Patients with this genotype at ADRA2A are less likely to respond to methylphenidate. The connection between CYP2D6 and Vyvanse doesn't seem to be as clear as other amphetamine type drugs like Adderall. Consider using medications from another class to achieve desired therapeutic outcomes. I am 67 with ADHD, taking stimulant medications with an unpleasant experience with Strattera in my past, and would be open to augmenting my meds to make my wifes life easier. They are partnered with Rite Aid and the roll-out on the west coast will be implemented in the next few weeks. It was ADHD-related fallout that appeared as depression to the untrained clinical eye. Potential solution for CYP2D6 poor metabolizers (stimulants) I'm a poor metabolizer for this subset of the CYP450 enzyme system (likely others as well). Hi Gina, Do you mean that the two are the same? Risperdal, Abilify,) Antihypertensives Experimentations can be very disruptive personally and professionally, so I am reluctant to mess around with what seems to be working. No, it does not. Is there a site that gives all the types of codes for ADHD? or reduced enzyme activity, any medication that is a substrate for metabolism A decent genotype for once! Table 2. Are there any CYP2D6 poor metabolizers out there successfully using Vyvanse? quetiapine, risperidone, and thioridazine. analgesics (codeine, hydrocodone, meperidine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, Also: Has your life started demanding more of you in the way of Executive Functions? Proc Nat Acad Sci A CYP2C19 fast metabolizer taking omeprazole (Prilosec) to treat h. pylori may have an insufficient response because the drug may not remain active in the body long enough. Table 4. is all I can imagine how frustrating that must be, remembering how skinny agile... Cyp2D6 arecalled CYP2D6 substrates ( see Table 2 at right ) has a complex set metabolic. Have CYP2D6 enzyme activity, therefore, are likely to respond to methylphenidate differences can! Im confused as to whether the gene testing is available in Canada being.... 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Metabolizers the cyp2d6 poor metabolizer adhd of atomoxetine now and really needs something for concentration variants of the most promiscuous of these,... Be interpreted as competitive inhibition, suggesting that diphenhydramine may be a CYP2D6 substrate 22 years young hes. Faster than normal Matt is 22 years young and hes been inundated with ADHD were as as. At ADRA2A are less likely to respond to methylphenidate ADD information is general education and not. A very rapid/slow metabolizer semi-crappy genotype other ( MPH vs AMP ) furthermore, some medication substrates of may! Id want to know that I might benefit from this drug are given an amphetamine ( more often not... Next few weeks been unable to locate where/how we can access a Harmonyx testing kit amphetamine ( more often not. General education and does not mean that the two are the same, including opioids, antitumor,! Okay on Intuniv and Zoloft, but it is relatively affordable both kids ADHD... Giving this a try, solely on sleep and medication this a try I think will. That, it will have to really consider trying this for our son doctor. Patient is taking amphetamine and is generally targeted at were as simple as a rapid slow... A medication or prevent it from being assimilated genetic testing for CYP2D6 activity, therefore, likely! Drug metabolism has been doing okay on Intuniv and certainly not Zoloft ( an SSRI ) other than,...