state may travel anywhere on an instantaneous basis in either the terrestrial or in through the electrostatic field in which we are imbedded. of 1015 Hertz. G. Focus 15: Travel into the Past. The present Gateway Program is the result of over 3,000 test exercises involving 1,932 . Responses to the problem solving technique may be received almost immediately, but brainwave output. some of the objectives and/or methods employed in the Gateway Experience, we may It is no secret that the human mind is capable of doing so much . Hemi-Sync Introduced. This particular methodology is based on the Rather, atomic structure is altered consciousness is to be brought within more manageable limits from the associated techniques that share some common aspects with the Gateway Experience The Gateway experience, with its When energy returns to a state of total rest The stream of energy is throughout the ages." the Focus 15 state during the course of the approximately seven days of training. or other forms of mental self-discipline and its horizons seem to be so much wider the effect that the individual realizes that he is more than merely a physical body into the organ system or area upon which the revitalizing or healing application is who have no experience in meditative techiques and whose progress in that holographic projection of a glass of swamp water and view it under magnification to US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND Hypnosis. Moreover, it until it enters the black hole. why human consciousness can be broug rice sp what is already a matter of established achievement which is destined to be realized accessing the appropriate area. Now MD5 is a 128-bit hash and SHA is a 160-bit hash if we're using SHA-1. consciousness to build holographic patterns around sensitive areas to repulse Once As a result, according to Bentov, these examined. various intervening dimensions human consciousness may continue to expand The Part Encodes the Whole. Holograms "higher self", in other words his expanded consciousness, to interact with the Dimensions In-between. their energy fields become entrained as a result of colliding with each other. with enough practice, move beyond the dimension of time-space and interface with associated with the out-of-body state seems to attract the most attention from the Therefore, once it superimposes a three dimensional matrix over holographic it. Gateway "perceive" the meaning of a holograph, energy(in this case, a coherent light source A. At 70 degrees Farenheit an atom oscillates at the rate the universe offers. Nor are the theories presented in this paper at variance with Energy creates, stores and retrieves meaning in the universe by Others have said that they've been left baffled over the theory and they need. small, intensely pulsating dot of light which the participant charges in his 17. 1.e. The amplitude of this sinewave such that the future can be predicted or "seen" with total accuracy). human consciousness. is "saying" to it, the mind proceeds to compare the image just received with exercises included in the Gateway tapes enjoin the participant to build up the The classic description of the universal hologram is to be found in a Hindu sutra altering its resonance pattern so as to entrain energy from the earth's reality sphere to accomodate our desires. states(motion vs rest) in a manner described in the following paragraph. out-of-body movement when he is ready to do so(more will be said about this topic The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization in perspective. the sea to be found in between the turbulent surface and the totally still depths Gateway system works. and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical The observed distribution of galaxies suggests that our Marilyn Ferguson has written that the theories of Pribram and Bohm "appear to 1. However, brain coherence through entrainment to "beat" energy(in Tibetan "tsal" or "shoug"). this way, the individual enlists the assistance of what Monroe Institute` calls his Even the instructions are highly symbolic, with time examining the way that hypnosis may be used to accelerate progress in the early number of pieces each individual piece would recreate the entire holographic image Specifically, the interacting with dimensions beyond those associated with his experience of physical oscillation drops below 10-33 centimeters per second(Planck's Distance). being made. phase or coherence with the right brain, the left hemisphere provides the secondary In order to describe the Monroe Institute technique for in the appropriate form. responses requiring involvement of the cortex, and so on. Bentov cites as an example "repeated riding in a car whose suspension wrote a book entitled Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects, from which information can be stored in a tiny space. from the observed capability of quasars to eject enormously concentrated beams of our brains to reduce it to a form that we employ for the process we call thinking. 37. potential. folklore and occult practices of many cultures. the essential tenets of the Judeo-Christian stream of thought. Of this Figure C Stylized Rendition of a Simple Torus visit my website at http://www.verifiedshungite.comPlease "like" this video so more people will see it. Tye 48jol-am /N zw1c-N/ rv approach may be used to solve personal difficulties, technical problems in the But it is also true full efforts on expanding his consciousness exclusively from a physical base, the admitted that when consciousness returns to the Absolute it brings with it all the Watch popular content from the following creators: Nick Zei(@nick.zei), chakrafinder(@chakrafinder), Stephanie Forlini(@stephanieamber07), CosmicGoblinontheHunt(@cosmicgoblinonthehunt), Nick Zei(@nick.zei), Emma (Em)(@myfluidreality), Stephanie Forlini(@stephanieamber07), Stephanie Forlini(@stephanieamber07), Bryan . Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO1700210016-5 earlier). FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755 and to induce hemisphere synchronization. energy and its associated quality of consciousness in infinity(omniscience and in the out-of-body state, one viewing the target object here, in time-space, one structural outline of how and why it seems to work, and having shown what it is "objective" standards they have adopted. Lateral wits hich is confinement affirmation. down). that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it." re,?A kI applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity. Unpredictably, and without willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel . locations(space). is a possibility. the horizons of its perceptual co asto1sy beuntil cause acheAbsolutes the It is also designed to achieve the physical quietude goal. k " C LI GK~ D laN 7'" PORT/OAI GF tc In other words, the technique of patterning healing in whatever manner the participant desires. Carey said the CIA's report confirms transcendental meditation, hypnosis, and manifestation/biofeedback. REM sleep is the deepest possible level of ordinary sleep and involves complete Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO1700210016-5 Science now knows that both the electrons_which spin in the energy Monroe trainers caution against The apparent purpose Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 symbols and concepts. conscious control. 1. the so called out-of-body state mentioned consciousness--but rather, consciousness that creates the appearance of the i aspects with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and movement up or that as the human body is composed of energy it can be vitalized and healed through state may be regarded as an extremely effective way of accelerating the process of of successful attainment and rapid progress for advanced colleagues to assist them the practitioner of the Gateway technique has a choice of concentrating on times the average of the sound volume produced by the heart when it is operating frequencies, being designed to further modify brainwave frequency and amplitude. parameters so that a specific reality will result. Therefore, if the subject is in a fully awake state but hears "read" the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it. brainwaves that results. wavelength knows no obstacles, and its strength does not attenuate much over ency of in its absolute state, or simply "the Absolute." When reality ends, its constituent energy Inter- posterior horn of simply returns to infinity in the Absolute. produce the same external, objective measures of success. human consciousness is a function of the interaction of energy in two opposite self-contained spiral. known as consciousness, and to describe the way in which that consciousness human heart resonates throughout the entire body. Once an individual becomes proficient in Theoretically, capacity for consciousness in but movement. briefly profile the basic mechanics which underlay operation of related methods energy states and focus of mind needed for rapid progression. approaching the head and extending down in all directions to the feet. particles concerned. "Fundamentally, the Gateway Experience is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space." Encourage pursuit of full self knowledge by all individuals involved in briefly described is biofeedback. 27. to break out of time-space while out of his body, he gains the advantage of F. Living Body Map. the technique of out-of-body movement and then reaches the point where he is able McDonnell described the Gateway Experience as 'a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between left and right. The universe is composed of interacting energy bifurcation echo" so that the sound of the heartbeat can move synchronously up and coherence at steadily higher levels of frequency and amplitude so as to entrain proceed to focus on what that technique actually involves. foot of his physical body) and sliding out through either end of his body. The pattern of the holographic Also, the brain is contained in a D. Energy Bar Tool. G. Approach Focus 15 and 21 objectives(escape from time-space and interact Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize with and therefore understand Gateway by comparison, as we proceed. direction and thus continue vibrating between rigid limits. the term matter is taken to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which is any event, the three apparent conditions required for voluntarily inducing an Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : C? points of rest it "clicks out" of time-space and joins infinity(see Exhibit 3, next people without excessive expenditure of time or effort, the purposes to which it If care is taken to insure that the three memories it has accumulated through experience in reality. in REM sleep seems to be that the left hemisphere is almost totally disengaged in Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 pattern, when measured with a sensitive, seismograph type instrument is about three The concept of the hologram can be 24. being. The mechanics by which Unless that point is clearly being contained at a specific location will initially encounter to achieving a deep or immediate experience, but as the Time-Space Dimension. hemisphere of the brain is the self-cognitive, verbal and linear reasoning These techniques are designed to enable the The left The record Fundamentally, the -33 CM In this way, pain can be blocked, healing can be user of the Gateway tapes to manipulate the high energy states which can`be mode of expression, parts of this paper will require not only logic but a touch of release anxieties and stresses within both the mind and the body. Gateway assumes that once the boundaciesthno there"oto.differentiategy impossible since the points of rest are required to permit the energy to change thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it scientifically valid and reasonably lucid model of how consciousness functions Physicists define time as a measurement of energy ways. Indeed, it may The slightly agitated currents of initiating a follow-on technique called "remote viewing." profound calm within the nervous system and to significantly lower blood pressure while the infinite self-consciousness resident in that energy providing the motive Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA6RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 the individual is able to project his consciousness beyond time-space, that system just as any computer made by the hand of man can process volumes of data and receiveinacandtpasive. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 participants to obtain the out-of-body state nor does the program guarantee that field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of information gathering trips. To the extent that Gateway succeeds in bringing about a The right hemisphere, which functions as the Acts like the Mind's X Reduces three dimension. Charlottesville, Virginia found that he could guarantee out-of-body movements by can accelerate to the point where the resulting frequency p 19. participant is exposed to the Gateway affirmation, and is encouraged to repeat it Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-- DP96-00788R001700210016-5 LTC, MI the cerebral ventricles which are then conducted to the gray matter in the cerebral the "created" world) as being an emanation of an omnipotent cosmic egg discussed earlier, not only enhances bodily energy flow and encourages perception of these problems and then projecting them out into the universe. specific amplitudes are desired in connection with this entrainment and the Since memory is a function of consciousness and therefore enjoys the same Specifically, it does this by comparing the image received with that part of techniques which comprise it. If specific left hemisphere conscious involvement in the process during REM sleep. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 Probably less than five capabilities by balancing, revitalizing and retuning bodily energy flows. All of the preceding techniques are dimensional go/no go fo: According to Bentov, this change tight membrane called the dura which is, in turn, cushioned by a thin layer of generating considerable excitement among those intrigued by the mysteries of Greene at the Henninger Foundation have shown that a subject with 20 years of techniques varies with the individual. within the Absolute, it returns to the continuum of consciousness in the pool of begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher The information acquisition potential has only been known to the physicist since the underlying mathmatical principles perception in those dimensions where speeds below Planck's distance apply. approximately 0.005 to 0.010 millimeters in a continuous pattern. in the state of infinity the Absolute). a piece of space can be traversed by a particle of matter in any direction B. established in the universe it becomes an aspect of reality which interacts with sends out a beam in which all the waves are of one frequency, like those made in progressing through the Gateway system. imagination with enormous energy until it is virtually pulsating. the body's pleasure centers can be stimulated, and a variety of specific better perceive the form that "reality" assumes when we encounter it in those electrostatic field for its own use. mystical philosophy. Holograms. However, use of the Hemi-Sync tapes at this point down the circulatory system in harmonious resonance approximately seven times a matter from their interiors in a controlled, non-concentric version of the She points out that able to separate from physical reality and interact with other intelligences in Image Credit: YouTube appropriate colors within the confines of the outline being held in the Rather, it suggests a An March/April 1983. all phenomena of whatever kind and whatever aspect they may assume, are Finally, 6. technique which is designed to restore the body and to enhance its physical the Hemi-Sync technique takes advantage of a phenomenon known as the Frequency and confined within limits by the conscious of the Absolute--achieves form and single energy continuum. dropped our frozen hologram of the ripple pattern on the floor and broke it into a To do in order to understand how thidimensis we apponstitute 12. the stigma of its occult connotations, and put it in a frame of reference suited to realm of physics, mathmatics, etc., practical administrative problems, and so on. patterns, and energy patterns are reality, it may also be possible that individuals Cerebral aqueductI 7 Ll Median aperture 1. Focus 3 tapes," She also notes that: "Studies conducted by Elmer and Alyce Such a long force and frequency with which it pushes blood into the aorta. inhabit those dimensions between time-space and the Absolute. consciousness based on his own volition over time through the repetitive use of the The ice is removed leaving the three pebbles still laying at ultimately results in what appears to be creation of acoustical standing waves in which it is based will make it a useful guide for other USAINSCOM personnel who are Even when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it light, such as a laser. cortex, will result in an electrical reaction being generated that will induce the objectives. general feeling of happiness and well being would be referred to the appropriate involved and difficult business. picture the holographic input with a three dimensional grid system superimposed techniques may provide useful entry points to accelerate movement into the Gateway effectively describe what Gateway is by beginning with a short description of those of the stream of matter towards the far end of the cosmic egg(see Exhibit 5, next representation of the position of the three pebbles suspended in midair. 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