The mission given Luettwitz conformed to his reputation for drive and audacity. The action of the 112th Infantry in this part of the 28th Division story stands therefore as an episode in itself until, after four days' fighting, the regiment joins the forces arrayed in defense of St. Vith.13. On the nights of 14 and 15 December, sounds of horse-drawn vehicles and motors moving in slow gear drifted to the American outposts; but since the same commotion had attended an earlier relief in the German lines, it was reported and perfunctorily dismissed. This unit was redesignated less than a year later, in December 1921, when they became 103rd Ordnance Company, Special Troops. Tank Battalion-some six crippled tanks and five assault guns was gathered . Finally Luettwitz was promised two 60-ton bridges-capable of carrying his Panthers-and very considerable support from the Luftwaffe. But the tactical effect of this artillery preparation was considerably less than the German planners had anticipated. whereupon the light tank platoon destroyed its single remaining tank During the morning the 26th Volks Grenadier Division engaged in desultory action, moving troops around to the north. On the west slopes of the ridge a platoon of medium tanks was committed early in the afternoon to drive the Germans off the side road linking Holzthum and Consthum. XLVII Panzer, Corps moved beyond it to the west.3 (Map IV). tanks and guns to help the engineers, bandsmen, telephone linemen, and The units of the 110th Infantry were disposed as follows to face three full German divisions. The 2d Battalion, surrounded on the ridge east of Clerf, attempted to filter through the enemy lines in the early morning hours. The regimental position, really a series of squad and platoon posts, followed a ridge line south through Harspelt and Sevenig, then bent back across the Our and followed the western slopes of the river nearly to Kalborn. Because the West Wall angled away to the east near Ltzkampen the 1st Battalion was denied pillbox protection but, at the insistence of the regimental commander, had constructed a foxhole line with great care. As the column turned northwest on the main Bastogne highway enemy fire increased; some in the column turned back from the gantlet in hopes of finding another escape route by retracing their steps through Wiltz. About this time a German tank platoon appeared on the ridge less than a thousand yards from the regimental command post in Ouren. Colonel Nelson's antitank reserve, Company C, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion, was deployed on the ridge west of the river, but these were towed guns, dug in and relatively immobile. XVII SS Corps on 6 December and moved with his staff to Kyllburg, To compensate for the armored weakness of the battered division, two battalions of armored tank destroyers and an assault gun brigade were given Bayerlein just before the attack to the west began. Division. Even on the first day of the offensive one of Heilmann's regiments had been lost for several hours. Company C was in "reserve" in Munshausen. Colonel Nelson at this moment had two contradictory orders and would have to risk his regiment if he carried out either. News of the battle on the right and left of the 112th Infantry sector had been sparse. This is the order of battle of German and Allied forces during the Battle of the Bulge. But the pressure on the Wiltz perimeter relaxed briefly as the Panzer Lehr Reconnaissance Battalion turned back toward the north to rejoin its division in the race for Bastogne. The assault gun platoon gave good support wherever the line was threatened, but by the end of the afternoon its fuel and ammunition were nearly gone and the gunners, after four days of nearly continuous action, were approaching complete exhaustion. A radio message alerted the commander to the danger of a direct approach; so the platoon and some accompanying infantry entered Clerf by a secondary road along the river. A few light tanks and self-propelled guns got forward late in the evening, but the bulk of the Panzer Lehr reconnaissance battalion remained backed up at the bridge. This regiment formed the division center, with the 112th Infantry on the north and the 109th Infantry aligned to the south. Thomas G. Bradbeer, General Cota and the Battle of the Hrtgen Forest, Army History, No. On 25 April 1861, Company G, The Monongahela Artillery (Everett) was mustered into federal service for the American Civil War as part of the. cannon company gunners quickly bore-sighted their pieces, loaded reduced charge, and with direct fire knocked out four of the panzers. The 112th Infantry Regiment was formed and officially designated as the 16th Infantry from . a sweep along the western bank calculated to take the Ouren crossings In August 1950 the Lewistown unit was mustered into federal service for the Korean War. as it careened down the road back through Clerf. 115th Infantry Regiment. The first word of the approaching enemy reached the 110th Infantry headquarters at Clerf shortly after 0615. In common with the German assault tactics employed all along the front on 16 December, both regiments led off with a predawn advance by shock companies eighty men strong. Co-ordination between small packets of infantry and armor, hard at best, was made most difficult by this kind of piecemeal commitment. While elements of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division were attacking on the north side of the Wiltz, detachments of the 5th Parachute Division struck the American perimeter on the south and southeast. Their stories are spellbinding. . About 1000 the small tank-infantry team was allowed to return to its original position at Munshausen, and Fuller then ordered the tank platoon to fight its way to Clerf and help defend the town. Then, too, the 2d Battalion had once again used the stone bridge south of Ouren to launch a counterattack across the river and, during the afternoon, materially restored the 3d Battalion positions. was reached midway between Bastogne and the Meuse. . The company commander withdrew the remaining five tanks on a side road and reached Urspelt, taking position near the 2d Battalion command post.9, The American pincers action had failed to constrict at Marnach. The next morning Colonel Nelson was able to tell General Cota, "Very good news. Here Nelson received a message from the 28th Division which ordered the regiment to hold the line LausdornWeiswampach-Beiler, which the 112th Infantry had just abandoned. The regimental commander believed that morale had been restored to a high degree and that the new officers and men now were fairly well trained. the 156th Regiment. In general the ground on the east bank commanded. On December 16, 1944, Germany launched a massive surprise counter-attack on American lines in the Ardennes (a forested area in Belgium and Luxembourg), breaking through to create a 45-mile salient in what became known as the Battle of the Bulge.. relatively little ground; the 110th was very hard pressed; and German tanks were moving along the main road to Bastogne by way of Marnach. The numerous pillboxes provided a substantial amount of cover; the 3d Battalion, for example, was not seriously endangered until the attacking tanks maneuvered close enough for direct fire. The enemy made three attacks in the same close formation over the same ground before they discovered the error of their ways. But now the north road into the town was open. The origins of the 1st Battle Group are derived from the 112th Infantry Regiment in which it was . But there were too few guns and too few air sorties to keep the enemy immobilized for long. his assistance, probably to be in position to give support by the late The Our, in many places, was no more than forty feet wide and easily fordable, but the roads leading to the river made circuitous and abrupt descent as they neared its banks. A small tank-infantry team blasted the single 57-mm. The eye of the division commander would be on the assault echelons of his right wing regiment, for they would make the main effort to reach the Clerf. 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB At dawn the Panther Battalion of the 3d Panzer Regiment came clanking into Clerf, after a night move from the Our River, and found tanks from the Mark IV Battalion playing cat and mouse with the Americans in the chteau. World War II Records, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, History . . This timing might seem to. Hyperleap helps uncover and suggest. When this was refused the Germans systematically set to work to surround the village; by dark they had ringed Weiler. About 0930 the 2d Platoon of Company A, 707th Tank Battalion, climbed out of Clerf to meet the German Mark IV's. Beautifully illustrated with 200 photographs. At the moment Luettwitz' corps was fighting guns and asked for American artillery fire on their own positions. The 309th and 310th Infantry Regiments . Picture 1 of 6. Although success or failure would turn. German plans. The unit inflicted 1600 casualties and destroyed eighteen tanks during nine days of continuous action, that was later known as the Battle of the Bulge. Through the roundabout artillery channels he asked permission to join the 106th Infantry Division, only a little distance away to the north. Under this natural smoke screen German tanks and grenadiers poured into Consthum. The tank thrust through the 1st Battalion center pushed parts of companies C (a platoon of which had joined the battalion from training), A, and D back through the woods toward Welchenhausen. The capitulation of the gallant garrison at Hosingen, during the morning, removed this threat to the 902d supply road. The 687th Field Artillery Battalion pulled out to the southwest and the 3d Battalion also started to move, under the impression that this was the plan. the undergunned batteries of the 687th Field Artillery Battalion held Our expert research specialists are on site at U.S. archival research facilities which hold the operational records of your veteran's military unit or vessel and can assist you . Around them Clerf was crawling with tanks, for most of the Mark IV Battalion of the 3d Panzer Regiment had assembled in the town during the night. The Fifth Panzer Army Attacks the 28th Infantry Division. 123th Infantry Regiment. of the 1st Battalion. The 902d, led in person by the division commander, continued toward the west, although briefly delayed in a fight with a few towed antitank guns and armored cars near Eschweiler.18. They were mustered out of federal service in December 1898. But only the 1st (Lt. Col. Donald Paul) and 3rd (Major Harold Milton) Battalions of the 110th were on the line, while the remaining 2nd Battalion (Lt. Col. Ross C. Henbest) was held in division reserve at Doennange and Wiltz, eight miles to the southwest. Leaving only a screening force behind, the 60th Regiment *AIR broken up into three separate armored Infantry battalions. On 11 May 1898, these units were mustered into federal service for the. In 1914 the 2d Squadron was assigned to the 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and Company L, 12th Pennsylvania Infantry was redesignated Troop L, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry. Radio communication, which was functioning fairly well, showed that the division center was most endangered. 3d Battalion sector, compressing the American companies in the village The sector designated for the XLVII Panzer Corps breakthrough was held by the 1st and 3d Battalions of the 110th Infantry (28th Infantry Division), commanded by Col. Hurley E. Fuller. This battery was driven from Buchholz with the loss of half its howitzers. The lion is in the infantry color and both symbols represent the locale of the regiment's combat in World War II. Kokott's reserve regiment, the 78th, crossed the Our at dusk and moved forward. About 0720 the company crossed into the 110th Infantry zone, where the ground rose away from the highway and forced the tanks to advance in column on the road. Of the 1st Battalion, only a part of Company C retained its organization. In the darkness and confusion many stragglers made their way into Bastogne and Vaux-lez-Rosires. mortars, and an antitank platoon repelled wave after wave of attacking German infantry. The 560th, activated from inexperienced garrison units in Norway and Denmark, had been tagged for the Russian front. The 56th redeployed to America toward the end of 2009. The 28th Division commander agreed to pull back where he could, but by the morning of the 18th it was apparent that to re-establish any sort of front behind the Clerf was impossible. Fortunately radio contact was re-established from Weiswampach shortly after midnight and the 1st Battalion was given orders to withdraw through the former 3d Battalion positions. The enemy attempt to capture or destroy the American command posts, kitchens, and observation posts was only partially successful, although the grenadier assault parties were well inside the 3d Battalion positions when day broke. For this reason the fight put up by the 112th Infantry on the north flank of the division had little or no effect on the operations of its sister regiment east of Bastogne. At the chteau, however, headquarters company still was hard pressed by riflemen and machine gunners in the houses nearby. The Americans had taken 186 prisoners and killed or wounded two or three times that number; the losses in the 1130th Regiment were "very high," said the enemy reports. regiment, despite many attempts, had not been able "to get going. and maneuver was possible. It will be recalled that the troops at Consthum held the 901st Panzer Grenadier, Regiment at bay until the afternoon of 18 December and, even as they withdrew, continued to block the road to Wiltz. The task of rebuilding the rifle companies, repairing battle damage, and training replacements was of necessity a slow one. New York: Orion Books, 1989. This experience, events would show, had borne little fruit. Perhaps they did not care to risk bazooka fire in the dark. By the late evening the picture as seen at the division command post had cleared to this extent: the two flank regiments, the 109th and 112th, had lost. The stir and movement in the enemy lines during the two nights prior to 16 December was occasioned by troops moving in and troops moving out. Col, Plt Sgt, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division, Battle of the Bulge, Huertgen Forest, USA. Perhaps the tankers were too busy looting the American freight cars and supply dumps to bother with the little force in the chteau. Even so, the unit accounted for six tanks on the 16th and broke up two panzer assaults of company size. It was amended to show additional war service on 29 August 1951. He added, however, that he had "three battalions now trying to counterattack from Clerf to Marnach." By that night the defenders were without ammunition, but they continued the battle with hand grenades, withdrawing slowly and stubbornly from house to house. Crest: The crest is that of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. For two days and nights Company K and Company B of the 103d Engineer Combat Battalion fought off all enemy attempts to eradicate this block on the Skyline Drive. And German tanks still fired from the eastern height. After the D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, Allied forces advanced east through France to Germany's western border establishing what became known as the "Western Front." This vertical front-line stretched from the Norwegian city of Nijmegen in the north all the way to Switzerland in the south, cutting through Belgium and Luxemburg. Three-quarters of an hour later the regimental commander ordered the artillery to displace behind the river; Colonel Fairchild moved the battalion across the river without losing a piece and immediately resumed firing. afternoon. Throughout this entire action the 229th gave the 112th Infantry such support as to elicit from the regimental commander the opinion that "it was the best artillery in the army," an expression which would be used by other infantry commanders about other artillery units during these trying days. Infantry of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division took over the attack on the northeast (probably the 39th Volks Grenadier Regiment). 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment attached 110th, 431st and 448th AAA AW Battalions 75th Infantry Division . Early morning reports of considerable German penetration and the threat Colonel Fuller set. Rocco J. The Battle of the Huertgen Forest: The Untold Story of a Disastrous Campaign. Farther to the south the 687th Field Artillery Battalion was surrounded at a crossroad about seven miles from Wiltz. thing was agreed upon: Bastogne had to be taken before the bulk of the Behind the Clerf River and to the west of the regimental command post in the town of Clerf the 2d Battalion (Lt. Col. Ross C. Henbest) lay in divisional reserve. led the corps commander to order the 116th Panzer Division The assault company from the 156th was initially more fortunate in its advance west of Ltzkampen. By this time, however, the advance infantry detachments of the 2d Panzer Division were not only involved in a battle to knock out Marnach but were pushing past the village en route to Clerf. The 39th Regiment had got involved in local actions and been diverted from the westward axis-sustaining high losses in the bargain. The regiment was again called to active federal service on 17 February 1941, 10 months prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Even before the seizure of Ouren the LVIII Panzer Corps had shifted its interest to the south. The areas selected by the two corps for their main efforts were some six to seven air-line miles apart-an indication of the weight to be thrown against the American 28th Infantry Division. The battalion, perhaps 200 strong, arrived in Wiltz about noon and Strickler assumed command of the forces in the town. For their exploits, the I&R Platoon, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, would later become "the most heavily decorated . In the weeks that followed, the division rested and re-formed in the Bitburg-Wittlich area, its units moving constantly to escape Allied observation. In fact it represented Heilmann's failure to gain control of his division, for the orders were to bypass Wiltz. In 1947, the Lewistown unit was redesignated Headquarters and Service Battery, 176th Field Artillery Battalion. Tanks, tank destroyers, and guns were rushed up from the depots at Mayen, but on 15 December the two panzer grenadier regiments were still missing 60 percent of their regular rifle strength and the panzer regiment had ready only one of its two battalions (with 27 Mark IV's and 30 Panthers). This threat north of the Marnach road seems to have caused the German commander some concern. The Bellefonte unit was designated as Troop L, 3rd Reconnaissance Squadron of the 104th Armored Cavalry. Two hours later the 112th Infantry acknowledged receipt of these instructions. Just before dark, therefore, Kokott threw a part of his replacement training battalion into the action; these fresh troops succeeded in forcing their way into the north edge of the village, although with heavy losses. On German operations maps Wiltz lay athwart the boundary which divided the attack zones of the XLVII Panzer Corps and the LXXXV Corps. This seemed to be the most endangered sector of the whole division front, for here the 2d Panzer Division had been identified and here was the main hard-surface road to Bastogne. For some reason the tank platoon sent from the 707th had not reached the Company I area when night fell. The other Altoona unit was mustered into federal service for home station duty during World War II as Battery B, 200th Field Artillery. Battle of the Bulge CD 2 749 Pages - PDF . During the afternoon the Germans pressed Map of St Vith drawn 15 November 1944. Kokott's right, the 77th Regiment, pushed elements beyond Hosingen (actually moving between the 1st and 3d Battalions of the 110th Infantry), but these detachments, stopped by the American 105-mm. 122th Infantry Regiment. The bulk of the provisional battalion, inside Wiltz, started southwest an hour or so before midnight, some on foot, the rest riding on trucks, half-tracks, and tank destroyers. Twice during the morning the attackers were allowed to send in aid men and remove their wounded. At 1330 the enemy ceased, GERMAN TROOPS ADVANCING PAST ABANDONED AMERICAN EQUIPMENT. About 1300 a thick, soupy December fog rolled in on the village. Robert L. Smith, soldier of the 112th Infantry Regiment tells of his memories of service in the breakout from Normandy to Paris, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. Rickards was promoted to brigadier general in 1919, and in 1921 he was promoted to major general and appointed Chief of the Militia Bureau, the first National Guard officer to hold the position. Krueger was the elder of the two and lacked something of Luettwitz' dash. The year 1921 saw many changes in unit designation: Bellefonte was redesignated Troop B, 52nd Machine Gun Squadron, the Altoona unit was redesignated as Company G. During 1921, Company D, 1st Pennsylvania Engineers was organized. 113th Infantry Regiment. Shield: argent, issuant in fess a bridge of one arch proper masoned sable, the center portion shot away, in chief a cross pate azure and a Spanish castle gules; in base a lion rampant of the third grasping a cross of Lorraine of the fourth. Thus deployed on the right of the 424th Infantry, the 112th was another piece filling out the fast developing "island defense" of St. Vith. View of a Clearing Station, somewhere behind Utah Beach, Normandy, taken June 6 - 7, 1944 - triage of Airborne casualties and patients . The camp was liberated by the Russian Army May 1, 1945. The Huntingdon unit was the Howitzer Battery 1st Battalion of the 104th Armored Cavalry and the unit in Everett was a Detachment of Company B, 167th Quartermaster Battalion and then was converted to Company C, 1st Battalion 110th Infantry. But the German tanks were fanning out as the day drew to a close, turning attention to the south as well as the west. Both flanks of the regiment, however, were in process of being uncovered by enemy thrusts against the neighboring units-although this effect may not have been immediately apparent. Shortly before noon the advance guard of the 60th Panzer Regiment, rolling along the Ltzkampen-Leidenborn road, appeared on the knoll west of Ltzkampen. General Cota had been trying through most of the morning to reach Nelson. The town itself lies in a horseshoe bend of the river. to bypass Wiltz on 19 December with his entire division but now found that he could not get his regiments back in hand. A gap remained in the center of the 1st Battalion line and small groups of the enemy were wandering along the Our River. On the afternoon of the 16th the division commander had loaned Neslon the light tank company of the 707th Tank Battalion, but after a sweep through the 1st Battalion area in which not a shot was fired the tanks recrossed the river. The 14th Parachute Regiment, which had been moving slowly westward (the 5th Parachute Division commander ascribed its dilatory movement to the habit of attacking small villages in order to have billets for the cold December nights), entered the fight via a climb onto the eastern ridge overlooking the town. In Marnach the hard-beset garrison fought on, now under the command of the battalion executive officer, Capt. At l825 Colonel Fuller phoned the 28th Division chief of staff that his command post was under fire and that enemy tanks occupied the town. A brass plate on the stone has an inscription to the men of the 106th and says, ' Dedicated to the Men of the 106th Infantry Division who fought and died for their country 1944-45 .'. 112th CT : 8th Div : 15 Nov 44-19 Nov 44 : 112th CT : 106th Div : 19 Dec 44-23 Dec 44 : 109th Inf : 9th Armd Div : 20 Dec 44-22 Dec 44 : 109th CT: 10th Armd Div: 22 Dec 44-26 Dec 44: 3d Bn 112th Inf: 82d Abn Div: 23 Dec 44-25 Dec 44: 2d Bn 112th Inf: 75th Div: 28 Dec 44-4 Jan 45: 112th CT: 30th Div: 5 Jan 45-11 Jan 45: 112th Inf: 78th Div : 19 . Battered and fatigued by weary, bloody fighting in the Hrtgen Forest, the 28th Division came into the quiet front on the Our during mid-November. All this gave the 112th Infantry a chance to get its breath on 18 December. Seven officers and fifty to sixty men did reach Donnange. At least fifteen tanks had been disabled or destroyed on the first day and German sources indicate that this figure may have doubled on the 17th. 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