Frederick Von Mierers, a deeply tanned cult leader with a shocking crown of platinum blond hair, spoke to his followers through their television sets. For a time, he supported himself handily as a model. First, the mental seduction, the flattery Moonies call "love bombing." Were all in one kind of cult or another. We all want the gems,'' I had heard a Princeton honors graduate and devotee of Eternal Values say on a cassette about the stones. The gems, he would say, are for ''special people, only the elite." In those days, he would hold seminars for hundreds of people at a church on Park Avenue or at a downtown school. "It has been a disaster," Montgomery once wrote of von Mierers to an angry reader who had taken her book seriously, but the reader has yet to recover $17,000 he says he paid for stones. ''I was told I would have to wait a year to get my cassette, maybe eighteen months," a painter named Glenna Hartwell told me, ''but all the money had to be paid in advance.". She once wrote a syndicated column called "Capital Letter," until, as she says, "Arthur Ford told me that I could do automatic writing." 1913 TO TODAY. Mostly it was menial jobsdoing dishes and laundry, scrubbing toilets, doing vacuum packing. Were they real? Perhaps von Mierers's ability to mesmerize so many young peopie comes from the very persona he labored to develop as he made his way up the social ladder of New York. Near me, six of von Mierers's friends and followers stared at us, as if hypnotized, throughout our interview. "He and I went way back together. "We were like one entire family. His house in Nantucket, his medical insurance, his club dues. "I almost had a nervous breakdown," she told me. Ruth Montgomery had devoted three lengthy chapters to his status as a "Walk-in" from Arcturus, his genius as a psychic, the distinguished quality of his followers, and his rejection of his privileged past. The anxiety attached to the end of an era, much less a millennium, inevitably produces collective madness. I knew at that hour they couldn't be up to any good," the tenant told me. What is the nature of this world?. "Iam doing this for you," von Mierers is said to have replied. "What is that?" Amelia is kind and innocent and comes from a family with money. In four months, she claims, she paid more than $100,000 to von Mierers and Eternal Values. They all had striking similarities; they were young, mostly in their twenties and early thirties, and quite good-looking, with taut, muscular bodies. . It is materialized, objectified thoughts. And we are they!" After that things were pretty crazy. We spoke what youd call New Age jargon. "It made me cry," she said. I reminded him of his participation in the tape. The real reason I left was because I felt like a failure. I had another question: Was it, in the end, the need to make his mark in louche New York that caused Frederick von Mierers to believe so totally the myths he had created about himself? As the years passed, we re-located to North Carolina. When asked recently about his relationship to Mrs. Williams, he said, "She was my great-aunt. When you wear your gems, you can't be fooled by people and things that are evil. But there is no way Freddie got rich on the Ford models that are his followers! They quickly annulled their marriage, but they have remained friends. He often made remarks about Jews, but he had learned to couch his comments in a sneer. Early on, he felt the strong need to camouflage the fact that he had grown up in Brooklyn. He chose to come back because of an urgent need to reach the young people who will be founding the new society after the shift of the earth on its axis.". "The gems are God's thoughts condensed.. .the gateways into this dimension for the ether waves.. .. They told me then to make two payments in cashone $8,000, one $3,000. We met on a beach in Nantucket when I was 16he was drawing this cool yin and yang diagram in the sand, talking all this Eastern philosophy. It helps that Hoyt, or John as his family calls him throughout the film, was born into such a stereotypical American existence. When I stayed with him and his (friend) John, we would visit studio 54, dance-atria, and strawberries underground quite often and never paid for anything. There, he would later tell Ruth Montgomery, he was also treated for a streptococcal infection. I work for a gemologist, and I told her to bring in the stones. When the money manager demanded a refund, he says, von Mierers at first screamed at him, then refused to take his calls. The group now has about fifty young professionals in "leadership training" roles. Bey told him, "You know what I really think? Von Mierers wanted a home in the Blue Ridge mountains, he told an interviewer, because he felt the mountain range would survive the millennium. (''This cassette describes how the one Principle of Cosmic Intelligence expresses itself. I called him in the middle of the night and he paid for a plane ticket to L.A. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our. I could give these kids almost a Harvard course in metaphysics." Other principals in the von Mierers' story are equally hard to reach. ' This last year, in the early fall, I received another call, this time from a close friend. He had impeccable manners, if a bit too studied to be natural, and, more, he had mastered the art of making facile remarks at dinner parties. After Aliens Among Us came out, everyone wanted to come to dinner with us," a follower of von Mierers's named Monty Karp told me. There were, additionally, an aspiring actor and several women who run von Mierers's business, a spiritual life-style and astrological organization called the Eternal Value's. He described Frederick as "an internationally renowned Hindu astrologer and lecturer in the underlying unity between science and religion. "I have been familiar with your work only since last summer, when I became aware that the message in your books is identical to the Hindu cycles of creation." Its hard to imagine just how strange it would all seem without context, an insomniac flipping through the channels, stumbling upon this exaggeration of a man who claimed to be an alien from the star Arcturus. Two bodies cannot occupy the same space in the material world, which is what they are trying to do when they're having physical intercourse. "I heard they got money to Frederick by Federal Express." My relative attended only a few meetings of the group led by von Mierers, but he was intrigued by what he called von Mierers's "gem prescriptions." To me, I was in a special group on an important mission; I believed I was one of the Chosen who would lead the Earth into a new era of peace and prosperity. "I decided not to let the moment pass," Adams told me, ''and I introduced myself to John.". Later, in therapy, I would figure out I was repeating a pattern from my childhood. I worked with photographers like Bruce Weber, Richard Avedon and Helmut Newton. The inner circle called itself the group. At its peak, there were about 100 active members, some at the Manhattan apartment, some in a big loft building in Brooklyn. You have permission to edit this article. Her mother next married a man who, Jacki says, was hostile to her and her sister. "I have a very large income, and I spend it helping children." Frederick Von Miers Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 2. someone asked. Writer Marie Brenner, who confirmed the now-dropped investigation by the . It was the go-go 80s. It has also been eye-opening. You are here to listen to me.' . I was in this weird catch-22. Released in 2015, the film has been an official selection in over fifty film festivals and has won more than forty awards, including 15 for Best Picture and 10 for BestActor. Many of her fifteen books are still in print, filling the psychic-phenomena sections of the paperback racks. Nonnegotiable! She wrote a letter, she called this man Frederick, and the group members said to her, 'We don't know who you are.' Eternal Values was my reality. I saw him again the next summer; two years later, when I went to Princeton, I started visiting him in Manhattan. On a black January night just six days after American jets began bombing Iraq, Oscar S. Wyatt, Jr., the 66-year-old bad boy of the Texas oil and gas industry, faced more than 1,100 well-heeled . "As far as I'm concerned, he's a crumbum.". "You need to have your pussy slammed," he reportedly told one model before sending her a well-known man from the group. "Frederick immediately saw that we needed an organization, merchandise, a name!" Kathleen Turner and her. ", For years, von Mierers had a television show of his own in New York. As my career picked up, people began calling me the first male supermodel. From a folder, she pulled out a sheaf of receipts and gem appraisals which appeared to show that during a four-month period she had given von Mierers more than $100,000 for gems and the cost of fixing up her apartment, most of it in cash. It's a drop in the bucket.' One night, in a fit of insomnia, von Mierers thumbed through the book of Revelations. Your parents have been horrible for you. It was an era in New York of crazy religions, cults, and odd self-help groupsest, Scientology, Synanon, and Arica. Vanity Fair magazine came out a week later with an in-depth story on von Mierers that went to press before his death. "Suddenly my son was talking like a robot.". At fifteen, she was discovered by a photographer who sent pictures of her to Eileen Ford. The purported healing powers of von Mierers's gems are only part of the credo of Eternal Values. At night he held court and gave his friends cleaning chores to help them to work on their inflated egos. "These kids are legal age." They all came with bogus appraisals. Part of mind control has always been to make people believe they are in danger from the outside world. There was a big Vanity Fair expos at one point . Thats how twisted around you canbecome. "I come from a very rich family," he once told a TV interviewer. "When we started Eternal Values, it was completely benign, really nothing more than a spiritual merchandising scheme," a former associate of von Mierers's who is now cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney's office told me. Also unavailable was Manhattan chiropractor David Seaman, one of von Mierers' closest friends. How could I have been so stupid? EVERY PAGE. he advised one model. Andreadis sat in a lotus position and, according to Glenna Hartwell, said calmly, "I have been asked to leave the group. If challenged about the Holocaust, von Mierers would repeat the most banal anti-Semitic propaganda: "The Holocaust has been exaggerated"; "Hitler was a misunderstood genius"; "Jews have to understand that their natures encourage pogroms. ' The weird thing was, in this crazy screwed up way, I believed they were right to punish me. Adams turned over the cash. John comes back down here and Frederick starts smashing him across the face, and just saying, 'You fucking liar!' a city detective recently asked a Ford model who had fled from the group. Karr said he couldn't remember the name of one man he remembers meeting at the house. Its like: I was a promising kid from a good (if somewhat screwed up) family. Each apartment had immense displays of pink azaleas and tiger lilies, arranged as if for a garden show. "Everywhere you looked there were mirrors and ostrich-skin accent pieces, parchment-covered Parsons tables, a lavender bedroom," a friend remembered. A lot of it I think has to do with learning to find acceptance within yourself, and not relying on others for your self esteem. The fairy tales of this dimension! His accent, already familiar to me from the many videotapes he had merchandised, was obviously inauthentic; I could hear traces of the grandees of the Hudson Valley, the sibilation of Blanche DuBois, and the clipped o's of Mayfair. I am not for the masses. My whole body was encompassed in a blazing white light. ``They've been very good neighbors they're quiet, and their landscaping is fantastic.'. We had four years of stored food and a whole lot of weapons by thispoint. He spent time at Quest, a bookshop on Fifty-third Street specializing in spiritual books, and there he met other people on their own missions. My mother was not that rich. Like every other American woman who grew up reading Seventeen, I have always thought of Eileen Ford as a benevolent godmother, a woman who protects her own. "I almost had a breakdown. When Aliens Among Us was published, von Mierers's fantasy was realized. She attended a seminar and saw "a young man who was so attractive I knew it had to be John Andreadis." "That's $500,000 wholesale!" "I think we all thought, This can't be a cult. She was saved by her intelligence and her astonishing beauty. "He teaches us how to aspire to be the best we can. Frederick von Mierers told his elite followersamong them top models and yuppiesthat he was from the star Arcturus, here to neutralize "the dark forces." Montgomery had been so moved by Andreadis's letter that she felt compelled to consult the Guides. you duchesses and lords," Freddie would say '%u are fabulous! Now prosecutors in the office of the Manhattan district attorney are investigating the possibility that von Mierers was involved in a multimillion-dollar gem ring. When the cheerleading coach broke the news to Katrina Kohel that she was the only one left on the cheer squad, Kohel was determined to compete anyway. The terrible earthquakes, the storms that will beset humanity! "You have to do something! The gems are Gods thoughts condensed, he always told us. The former V.F. Within months, hundreds and then thousands of letters were forwarded to von Mierers from Ruth Montgomery, Andreadis remembered. "It is time to go big-time," Andreadis remembers von Mierers telling him a little later. I spread them out under a lamp. I looked over at the owner, Cipriani, and got the distinct impression he would have thrown him out if I hadn't been there. "Think about the white light and the violet light!" On the weekends I would bring up a couple friends with me from school. "I said to him, 'Come on, John, do you really think you're from another planet?' They speak in New Age jargon and talk of "highly evolved" personalities and "ego renunciation." ", "My grandmother-godmother was an extraordinary archduchess of New York," von Mierers told me. Access everything Vanity Fair has ever published.Join Now Subscriber-Only Benefit The Complete Vanity Fair Archive EVERY ISSUE. Only Hermes.". The ring had twelve of my own diamonds in it, and I was shocked when I learned that the whole ring was worth at most $15,000, because Frederick had told me that the stone was worth $23,000. I thought, This is a holy place." They bought his pitchand the gems he said would make them New Age lords and duchesses. Subscribers have complete access to the archive. Who Am I? "Are you aware that right here in the most cynical city in the world there is some weird cult for young, glamorous professionals?" "My first impression was that he was a crazy. It was right at that time when models were becoming celebrities. Beware the razor's edge is sharp," he told one model. "They eat such unhealthy food." When you've been in a cult and you meet new people at a dinner party, you're never quite sure when to bring it up. "There are really two kinds of Jews," a friend remembers him saying. With an entire group of new friends who looked up to him as a spiritual guide, he could reject social New York as it had once rejected him. The Manhattan district attorney's office is fascinated by the twisted history of Frederick von Mierers. I could write three books about him. By then he had given up modeling and taken up with Billy Baldwin, the dean of American decorators, called "Billy B." The leader was a man named Frederick Von Mierers. "Freddie then went to a lawyer and threatened that he would sue me to get my power of attorney. He would always say, 'You know how you are.' von Mierers told Jacki Adams, the Ford model who had come to see me, on one cassette. Von Mierers began to talk about the great psychic Edgar Cayce and his gem prescriptions. A pharaoh! ", One of the voices on the tape was that of the lawyer Douglas Wyatt. "He saves them from their egos. Von Mierers called Andreadis his Jesus and allowed him to teach seminars at a Park Avenue church. Something went wrong. It was late summer 1987, and Jacki Adams, the Elizabeth Arden model, at twenty-two was earning more than $300,000 a year. Deputies in Davidson County rushed to help a 69-year-old man they'd found unresponsive in his house following a welfare check. Hoyt is a big, big money-maker.". He looked at her emeralds and told her they were junk. He was a "sprite," as one acquaintance phrased it, "cute, cute, cute," the toast of the beaches at Cherry Grove on Fire Island in the 1960s. " One night in January, Andreadis conducted a seminar in the Park Avenue church. Studio Design Collection. "If all my models were like John Hoyt, I would have a fabulous agency. We always used to kid about the old neighborhood. About this time a Ford model named Susanne Gregard attended von Mierers's regular Wednesday-night "family dinner" for the inner circle of the group. I hung out with Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell. She knew that she had no rational basis for feeling unhappy with her life; she was at the very pinnaclea Ford model, a classy beauty booked by Vogue, photographed by Irving Penn. Over the years, I spent more than $150,000 on gems. ", "Things happen. A few days later I called him and said, 'I don't want the ring!' They had lacquered walls in the New Age colors of "high-vibrational harmonics"pink, lavender, turquoise, chartreuse, accented by carefully painted silvery clouds. Andreadis was confronting von Mierers frequently about the gems, and angry factions were arising within the group. While I was at Fabios, I began doing a lot of reading. . Nobody forced me or twisted my arm to waste 20 years of my life. Other people stay at the house year-round, he said. In the light, it was obvious that the furniture was shabby, that the fabrics were second-rate. In 1992, the Italian mens magazine Mondo Uomo did a 58 page spread onme. I am here to train the leaders of the New Age. The gem and its harmonic vibrations are in harmony with your body. You will survive the storms and be the leaders of the millennium." "You are so pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty, my wonderful birds," he said, kissing their beaks. Sitting in the apartment near Sutton Place, I thought of the German word Maskenfreiheit: the freedom conferred by masks. "These are the light lasers! There, lessons of , "The Wall Street Journal just so happened to have a supportive op-ed ready to publish within hours of the meeting. As she became more involved with John Andreadis, von Mierers pushed her to take the gems. Purely by coincidence I met a modeling agent; the next summer I was cast in a big ad campaign for Geoffrey Banks. Think of your body as a Lalique vase. .From where do these thoughts arise? In the summers, von Mierers would return to Nantucket. "I went to one weekend seminar," a businesswoman named Christina Andrews told me. During the spiritual seminars in the Park Avenue church, ugly shouting would break out. I was the living symbol of their hypocrisy. We are not a cult.". It's real bottom-line. In fact, he was represented by Wagner, a third-class agency that no longer exists. More, she had been taught to dress by a fine stylist who had taken her to Chanel and Scaasi to rid her of the jeans and sneakers of her modest Florida childhood. Ive also tried to deal with some of the deep-seated family issues that may have made me a bit more susceptible to joining a cult than someone else. And no one could control Frederick anymore. Instead, they sent the body to Chapel Hill for autopsy by the state medical examiner. 69-year-old suffers stroke in his home; Realtor showing house leaves him there. His hair was the color of canned pineapple; his eyes were hard, cold blue, the eyes of a man who finds little surprising anymore. "We are not a cult," von Mierers told me angrily during the strange afternoon we spent together. . How could I have been so gullible? These cults attract mostly the Less than Zero generation, born in the 1960s, reared on fashionable doomsday prophecies about the millennium. I can get you these gems at cost!' There were many mirrors, plump lavender sofas, and reproduction Egyptian furniture. ``I have no complaints about them at all,' Karr told The Asheville Citizen. I had come in to interview Ford and Joe Hunter about von Mierers. Von Mierers's conversation predictably dwelt on the fact that his new friends had never experienced proper sex. She was impressed by the "hypnotic atmosphere" and the attractive young people; Andreadis did an astrological reading for her which, she said, "blew me away." But von Mierers did not limit himself to selling jewels. There, surrounded by a pink marble interior and numerous mirrors - that's how his last name is pronounced - von Mierers died Feb. 4 at the age of 43. He would tell prospective buyers that he was able to get stones at a tremendous discount, which the inflated appraisal papers would confirm. I thought, God! "No one is recruiting here!" . .. Frederick says that he realized 'even then' that Helen Williams had been his mother in several previous lifetimes, and they were almost inseparable. ``I think this place has been very quiet, and all the action was up in New York,' said Alex Karr, the mansion's only year-round neighbor and a member of the Lake Lure Town Council.But when von Mierers, devastated by AIDS, neared death, he left behind the frenetic pace of New York City and headed south to his group's $400,000, Xanadu-like home beside peaceful Lake Lure. Andreadis often did ten astrology charts a week for von Mierers. Often he would rage at his followers. Williams, who was later the executor of his mother's will and had her power of attorney, changed the locks on his mother's apartment and told the doorman never to let von Mierers up again. $769.99 / piece Size: 49in. Eternal Values does not approve of my marriage. " She reportedly paid von Mierers $75,000 for her gems. "The fact that this gorgeous blond Ford model was talking about how brilliant Frederick was convinced me to go to see him," one model told me. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. As he stared at the TV audience, his face appeared to have cheek implants, capped teeth, and freshly pulled skin. But don't mention that I have them here," von Mierers told me during the afternoon we spent together. But I know one thing: If I do bring it up, nobody ever finds my storyboring. Sometimes I would have to go out to the end of the dock and do 15 belly flops as a form of self-punishment because supposedly Id been a dickhead that day. In Eternal Values, there are always so many people around, you're always listening to Frederick." When I look around, I see that, to a greater or lesser extent, we all have cultic relationships with peoplerelationships where the person we love, the person from whom were seeking approval, is also the one who is dishing out the abuse. In a series of visions I saw the coming wars, the destruction of New York City, my own mission, and the future of the earth." A terrible man has been selling him gems! By age eighteen she had been on the cover of British Vogue. Andreadis dismisses this as pure invention. We would party, go to Studio 54 and crash at his apartment. The life-reading tapes sell for $350 each. Suddenly, von Mierers's living room appeared very small. "We are now going to help so many people," Andreadis remembers von Mierers told him. "Jews have been evil since the beginning of time. Even though I earned most of the money that supported us, the leaders seemed to be growing more and more disdainful of me. The evil forces are everywhere.". Freddy said to me, youre different, Hoyt says, speaking directly to the camera. "Aren't they fabulous? What a dummy I was. I am the elite. He put me up in his house for almost 18 months. By the late 1960s, he had shed his accent and become an energetic walker who trafficked in gossip and his Rolodex. He hasn't taken me," Joe Hunter told me. He exalted Germans and referred to the Aryan master race. I had it taken apart when I got back to California, and I learned it was almost worthless." Any job they could think of that was a pain in the ass, theyd assign it to me. And when he complained to Frederick, von Mierers said to him, "You will die on the water! ' Harper's Bazaar named him one of its "Playboys of the Eastern Coast." In the checkbook, she would write out these tiny amounts of cash for herself, like fifty or something. Crumbum. `` for hundreds of people at a tremendous discount, which the inflated appraisal papers would.... Were becoming celebrities a television show of his participation in the Park Avenue or at church. Hoyt, I started visiting him in Manhattan of Jews, '' von Mierers through! 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